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【解析】选A。have been doing sth. 一直在做某事,句中含有since引导的时间状语,多用完成时态,而且serve as要用主动语态。D项过去完成进行时,不符合语境。

11. —Jack wants to stay up and watch a football match on TV.

—Eleven o’clock is________hour that a boy of his age shouldn’t stay up.

A. such late an B. such a late

C. so a late D. a so late

【解析】选B。在such/so. . . that. . . 句型中,常用结构有so+形容词+冠词(a/an)+名词或such+冠词(a/an)+形容词+名词,故只有B项符合。

12. —There are several chemical plants around here.

—No wonder the water in the river is_______.

A. smell B. a smell C. smelly D. smelling

【解析】选C。由句子结构可知A项错误。a smell只表一种气味,但不一定是臭味。smelly臭的,难闻的;smell用作不及物动词表“发出恶臭味”,但常用一般时态。

VI. 完形填空

As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was 1 slowly but unsteadily through the air, and although the passengers had 2 their seat belts, they were suddenly 3 forward. At that moment, the airhostess appeared. She looked very 4 , but was quite 5. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she informed everyone that the 6 had blacked out and asked if any of the passengers 7 anything about machines or 8 how to drive a car. After a moment’s thinking, a man got up and followed the 9 into the pilot’s room.

Moving the pilot aside, the man 10 his seat and 11 carefully to the demanding 12 that were being sent by 13 from the airport below. The plane was now 14 close to the ground, but before the passengers got their 15 , it soon began to 16 . The man had to circle the airport several times to become 17 with the controls. But the danger had not yet passed. The plane was 18 towards the airfield. It shook violently as it touched the ground, but 19 . Outside a crowd of people rushed forward to congratulate the “pilot” 20 a perfect landing.

1. A. moving B. running C. taking off D. landing


2. A. had B. taken C. tied D. fastened


3. A. put B. thrown C. taken D. suffered

【解析】选B。由于飞机不稳,乘客们突然向前,而put forwar d意为“提出”。

4. A. beautiful B. sad C. weak D. pale


5. A. skilled B. thin C. calm D. worried


6. A. airm an B. engineer

C. rider D. conductor

【解析】选A。首先理解句中的black out的意思是“晕过去”,airman的意思是“飞行员”,再根据下文 就不难选出A。

7. A. mastered B. knew

C. understood D. learned


8. A. in fact B. in time C. at least D. at last


9. A. way B. instruction

C. host D. girl


10. A. took B. sat C. got D. held

【解析】选A。take one’s seat意为“坐在某人的座位上”。其他搭配不对。

11. A. looked B. spoke C. listened D. said

【解析】选C。listen to倾听。

12. A. introduction B. instructions

C. calls D. pictures

【解析】选B。instruction意为“指示,指令,命令”,符合句意; introduction意为“介绍,导言”,不合句意。

13. A. air B. telegram C. television D. radio

【解析】选D。by radio意为“通过无线电”; by air意为“乘飞机”; by telegram意为“用电报”。飞机是通过无线电与地面联系的。

14. A. gradually B. luckily

C. merely D. specially

【解析】选A。根据句意应是gradually(逐渐地), 其他选项不适合。

15. A. spirit B. breath C. favor D. prayer

【解析】选B。get one’s breath意为“喘过气来”, 是固定短语。

16. A. fly B. shake C. climb D. fall


17. A. satisfied B. helpful

C. familiar D. well-known


18. A. followed B. guided

C. kept D. carried


19. A. carefully B. dangerously

C. slowly D. safely


20. A. on B. at C. in D. with

【解析】选A。congratulate sb. on sth. 意为“祝贺某人某事”, 为固定短语。

Task & Project

Ⅰ. 用所给词或短语的适当形式填空

treatment, whisper, deadly, distance, feed on,bang into, drown, work out, be likely to,make progress

1. They say they are making progress in preventing pollution.

2. There were seven deaths and 13 injured in this accident.

3. Yesterday evening, I saw a car bang into a tree, but no one was injured.

4. She said it in a whisper, so I didn’t hear.

5. The prisoners were treated well by their guards.

6. Butterflies feed on the flowers of garden plants.

7. After the earthquake, some children became cold and distant.

8. China and Japan will be likely to increase communication next year.

9. It was said that her daughter drowned in that lake.

10. Guangdong Government has worked out a plan in response to the hand-foot-mouth disease.

Ⅱ. 单项填空

1. Some _____ in the shop were stolen during the holidays.

A. jewels B. jewelleries

C. a jewellery D. jewel


2. People in Mongolia keep horses and sheep; the former for riding, _______ for meat.

A. later B. latter

C. the later D. the latter

【解析】选D。the former. . . ,the latter. . . “前者……,后者……”。later“稍后,后来”,与句意不符。

3. He was______ to win the 100-meter hurdles race, but he fell to the ground and missed the chance.

A. possible B. probable

C. likely D. maybe


4. —The policeman was ______ in the arm when seizing the murder.

—Really? Let’s see him in the hospital.

A. hurt B. wounded

C. injured D. harmed[来源:Z&xx&k.Com]

【解析】选B。wound多指在战争中、打斗中受的刀枪之伤; hurt一般用语; injure事故、灾难中的受伤; harm危害。前句句意为:那名警察在抓捕凶犯时胳膊受伤了。

5. —Great changes have taken place in the city!

—Yes, our city has developed into a big city, which is _____ it used to be.

A. four times larger than that

B. four times the size of what

C. four times the size larger than what

D. as four times the size as that

