
2011-04-15 15:03:29   字体放大:  







1.—John, what about going for a bicycle ride tomorrow?

—______. I am looking forward to it.

A.Up to you. B.That’s all right C.No kidding D.Sounds fantastic

2.It is believed that when .she-wolf loses her babies, she seeks ______ human child to take its place

A.a; a B.the; a C.a; 不填 D.the; the

3.Although Rio knew little about marketing, he succeeded _____ other more well-informed managers failed.

A.as B.unless C.what D.where

4.Even the white collars in big cities know that, high as their income is, they still can’t afford a new house ______.

A.physically B.personally C.economically D.accidentally

5.With the development of science, more new technology _____ to the field of IT.

A.has introduced B.is being introduced

C.is introduced D.was introduced

6.Unfortunately, the package I was expecting was ______ to the wrong address

A.written B.given C.packed D.delivered

7.Things have changed quickly over the past decade and life in the country is much better than .used to he

A.that B.it C.what D.one

8.After three days' talks, I began to wonder if they had reached any agreement or they needed to set another date for a _____ one.

A.deeper B.slower C.further D.higher

9.If it had been fine yesterday, we could have watched that air show.But it ______ all day.

A.has rained B.rains C.rained D.had rained

10.There is a sense that Mr White will overlook us ______ adapting Peterson's plan.

A.in favor of B.in view of C.in need of D.in case of

11.The police are trying to find out the ______ of the woman murdered in the bathroom.

A.evidence B.characteristic C.status D.identity

12.—I hear that Tom can't afford his schooling this fall.

—____, let's do something for him.

A.If so B.When necessary C.When possible D.If any

13.I told them I was perfectly ______ to help if they asked.

A.kind B.interested C.willing D.favorable

14.An earthquake of 9 magnitude struck off the coast of Japan on Friday,______ thousands of people dead and more missing.

A.caused B.causing C.having caused D.to cause

15.Bob's lectures ______ a fairly wide range and I can't sum up what he says in a few sentences.

A.covered B.conveyed C.considered D.commanded

16.Exhausted from a day's journey, the drivers ______ a motor hotel and put up there for the night.

A.knocked into B.pulled into C.broke into D.forced into

17.Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ______.

A.blank B.bare C.solid D.rare

18.1 think I was at school,______ I was staying with a friend when I heard the news.

A.even so B.and then C.so that D.or else

19.A recent study showed how the temperature,______ water freezes, can be changed using electric charges.

A.at which B.for which C.in which D.with which

20.—Your colleague says she cannot help because she has got much work to do.

—Well, she ______ say that because she always uses that excuse.

A.should B.may C.can D.would





