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There are many American expressions about insects—like bees, for example. Bees always appear to be busy, moving around their homes, or hives. In fact, you might say your house was a beehive of activity if your whole family was helping you clean. You also might say you made a beeline for something if you went there right away.

Here is an expression about bees that is not used much any more, but we like it anyway. We think it was first used in the nineteen twenties. If something was the best of its kind, you might say it was the bee's knees. Now, we admit that we do not know how this expression developed. In fact, we do not even know if bees have knees!

If your friend cannot stop talking about something because she thinks it is important, you might say she has a bee in her bonnet. If someone asks you a personal question, you might say “that is none of your beeswax”. This means none of your business.

Speaking of personal questions, there is an expression people sometimes use when their children ask, “where do babies come from?” Parents who discuss sex and reproduction say this is talking about the birds and the bees.

Hornets are bee­like insects that sometimes attack people. If you are really angry, you might say you are mad as a hornet.

Butterflies are beautiful insects, but you would not want to have butterflies in your stomach. That means to be nervous about having to do something, like speaking in front of a crowd. You would also not want to have ants in your pants. That is, to be restless and unable to sit still.

16. When Tom spends his weekend cleaning his house, we can say he is as busy as ________.

A. an insect B. a hornet

C. a butterfly D. a bee

17. Which of the following expressions can NOT be often heard in daily life?

A. Make a beeline.

B. That is none of your beeswax.

C. It's the bee's knees.

D. My house is a beehive of activity.

18. When you say to Mary “you have a bee in your bonnet”, what do you really mean?

A. She should stop talking about something.

B. You care about her very much.

C. She is in danger and needs help.

D. What she talks about is really important.

19. Which of the following would be discussed next?

A. Some expressions about pigs.

B. Some expressions about noses.

C. Some expressions about bugs.

D. Some expressions about colours.



16.D 推理判断题。由第一段第二、三句可知选D。

17.C 细节理解题。由第二段前三句可知,习语“It's the bee's knees”人们已经不经常说了,因此我们不会经常听到这个习语。

18.A 推理判断题。由第三段第一句可知,如果一个人喋喋不休地说自己认为重要的事情,我们可能会说you have a bee in your bonnet。因此这个词语应表示“不要再说了”。

19.C 推理判断题。由短文第一句可知,本文要讲述的是有关昆虫的习语。在四个选项中,只有C项的bugs(虫子)与昆虫有关。


Nobody has ever succeeded in their attempt to stay young and live a very long life.__20__ But is this really true?

Dr Aubrey de Grey thinks that we can stop people getting old and that in about 20 years, people will be able to live to be 1,000 years old!__21__

In Dr Grey's opinion, getting old is a problem that can be solved.__22__ If we can cure this disease, we can stop the aging process.We can also make people have young bodies again.

Dr Grey believes that science will soon be able to stop the causes of aging so that a person's body won't get weak and won't suffer from the typical diseases of old age.

Dr Grey compares the human body to a house.As the house gets older, some things must be repaired.Broken hearts must be replaced.The same thing can happen with the human body, he thinks.We can use stem cell technology to grow new, healthy tissue to replace the old, damaged one.We can also try to remove disease­causing molecules in our bodies.__23__.

__24__However, they admit that Dr Grey's ideas have not yet been proved wrong.Dr Grey is convinced that his opinions are realistic and that his research is very important.If aging is a disease, he says, we must try to cure it.

A. At the same time, people's bodies will stay young and healthy.

B. Scientists succeeded in solving the problem of aging long ago.

C. A lot of scientists think his ideas not realistic.

D.When our bodies change as we get older, this is like a disease.

E. New deadly diseases may also be cured, if we can stop the aging process.

F. It seems that everybody must get old and die.

G. In this way, a person could easily live to be 1,000 years old.

答案:20.F 21.A 22.D 23.G 24.C


At 7?30 on the morning, we gathered at the school gate and set off on a large bus.An hour later, we arrive at the Forest Park.Getting off, we started our journey at once.

First, we climbed the green hills and on the way tried their luck to hunt for hidden treasure.Next, we toured around the lake in the comfortable boat.The beautiful scenery was really a feast for the eye.Then at noon time, we landed and settled at an open area, which we enjoyed a wonderful picnic.After eating, we sang and danced happy and played some interesting games.The day passed quickly.Finally it was time for us to return back.So at 3:00 pm, we cleaned the ground, made our way to the parking lot, getting on the bus and left.

It was really an exciting trip since we had long busy with our school work.


At 7?30 onin the morning, we gathered at the school gate and set off on a large bus.An hour later, we arrivearrived at the Forest Park.Getting off, we started our journey at once.

First, we climbed the green hills and on the way tried theirour luck to hunt for hidden treasure.Next, we toured around thea lake in the comfortable boat.The beautiful scenery was really a feast for the eyeeyes.Then at noon time, we landed and settled at an open area, whichwhere we enjoyed a wonderful picnic.After eating, we sang and danced happyhappily and played some interesting games.The day passed quickly.Finally it was time for us to return back .So at 3:00 pm, we cleaned the ground, made our way to the parking lot, gettinggot on the bus and left.


It was really an exciting trip since we had long ∧been busy with our school work.





