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Thousands of brush lines went into the original great works, but one artist has reproduced some of the world’s most famous paintings with just one line. Designer Chan Hwee Chong creates spiral(螺旋形的) illustrations inspired by some of the most  36   works in history. The Singaporean artist's work is so   37    that if he makes a single mistake he starts all over again. He has recreated Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Van Gogh's self-portrait and Johannes Vermeer's the Girl with the Pearl Earring in his own unique   38   .

The 33-year-old father-of-two said: “  39  , the brief was to show the precision and control of the pens. Right from start, we   40   ourselves, is there an idea that can bring to life the promise of these pens in a   41  , powerful way? Inspired by line-art drawings, we thought we could   42    ‘precision and control’ in a simple idea that involved only one single line.” He   43   putting together the impressive drawings to a spider spinning a web. Mr Hwee Chong added, “It wasn't as easy as we thought. We went through many rounds of   44   and error, painstaking drawing the masterpieces in one  45  line, by hand. As you can imagine, every mistake meant we need to start from the very  46  . This project not only involved skill  47   lots of resilience and patience, much   48   a spider spinning its web.”

The Singaporean is an art director at German   49  studio Kolle Robbe in Hamburg. In his spare time he works   50  installation art and on graphic design. “At work, I deal   51   with art direction and ideas. Outside of work I like playing with spaces—   52   different ways of provoking our senses in an immersive(拟真的) fashion.”

Mr Hwee Chong, who lives in Hamburg with his wife Carolyn, said the three pieces took several months to complete due to the fact that every mistake meant a complete restart. “I don't really have an __53_  to how long each drawing took but the whole project took us many months.   54  , my favorite is Mona Lisa as it was the piece we started doing first. All three pieces were hard work but I worked with a team which really   55  . We solved problems we had together and it was great fun.”

36.A.popular    B.effective     C.practical    D.realistic

37.A.successful   B.precise     C.strict    D.flexible

38.A.language   B.gesture     C.studio    D.style

39.A.Basically   B.Fortunately    C.Thankfully   D.Similarly

40.A.reminded   B.told      C.asked    D.wondered

41.A.traditional   B.simple     C.direct    D.pare

42.A.present    B.change     C.invent    D.lose

43.A.practiced   B.suggested    C.connected   D.compared

44.A.trial    B.action     C.success    D.risk

45.A.shortened   B.broken     C.controlled   D.divided

46.A.end     B.top      C.head    D.beginning

47.A.yet     B.but      C.and     D.then

48.A.like     B.off      C.after    D.against

49.A.film    B.music     C.design    D.photography

50.A.for     B.on      C.with    D.of

51.A.mainly    B.only     C.closely    D.nervously

52.A.making    B.exploring    C.feeling    D.forcing

53.A.honor    B.attention     C.entrance    D.answer

54.A.Probably   B.Personally    C.Recently    D.Previously

55.A.impressed   B.owned     C.approved   D.helped


