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Did you know that a turtle(乌龟)can lay 12 eggs in one minute? A large sea turtle lays around 150 eggs at a time. She lays all these eggs in just a few minutes..

Large sea turtles live in the warm seas of the world. Except for when they lay their eggs, they spend their whole lives in the water. When it is time to lay their eggs, the females swim to land..

They usually return to the place where they themselves were born. How they find their way back there is unknown. When they reach shore, the big, heavy turtles crawl slowly up to the high water mark. Using their flippers(脚蹼), they pull themselves along the sand. They must struggle like mountain climbers. When they finally reach dry sand, they rest before beginning the difficult task of laying eggs.

The turtles lay the eggs in deep holes and cover them with warm sand. The sand protects the eggs from harm. Then the females leave them. After a few weeks, if you happened to be walking along the beach, you might see the sand begin to shake. You may  see tiny black balls coming out of the sand. The tiny heads of baby turtles!

29. The first sentence lets us know that this passage is about _________.

A. turtles       B. oceans       C. time        D. speed

30. Turtles bury their eggs to protect them from __________.

A. deep water       B. heat       C. danger        D. bad weather

31. We can conclude from this passage that __________.

A. many turtles die while swimming to shore

B. female turtles protect their babies

C. once turtles land, they never return to the sea

D. the job of laying eggs takes great str ength

32. The writer compares turtles to climbers __________.

A. because they lay their eggs in mountain areas

B. to tell you that they like to climb

C. to give you a picture of how hard they work

D. to show that mountain climbers are as slow as turtles


Have you ever felt that you want more friends? Have you found that you don’t know how to make friends? Don’t worry. It’s easier than it looks.

Start with small  actions. If you’re uncomfortable with long conversations with people, start by just saying “hi” and asking what the person is doing. Even if you do more listening than talking in the beginning, people will usually still like you. When it comes to conversations, remember “F.O.R.”. It stands for family, occupation(职业) and recreation

(休闲). You are most likely to be asked about these three topics when you meet someone new. Most people feel comfortable talking about the three topics. The great thing is that you also can communicate with someone new in these three areas.

Honesty is the best policy. In friendship, “honesty” is the basic quality that one must have. One should always be honest with his or her friends. Don’t laugh at people’s fault. Praise them honestly and openly. Say you are sorry if you hurt your friend.

Give more than you take. Be there when they need you, Encourage them; we all need encouragement now and then. Encourage their dreams. Life seems meaningless without them. Wish your friends good luck. Examine your purpose before you “help out”. Love and never forget them.

33. The writer thinks making friends is _________.

A. easy        B. difficult       C. funny     D.  interesting

34. What can you ask when you meet people?

A. How old are you?

B. What do you do?

C. How much do you earn each month?

D. What’s your attitude towards politics?

35. Which would be the best title for this passage?

A. Where to Meet Friends?

B. What Is a Friend Indeed?

C. How to Make Friends?

D. Everyone Needs Friends

