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20. A. seemed      B. pretended      C. managed    D. asked

21. A. passengers  B. actors      C. incidents    D. accidents

22. A. train      B. plane          C. truck        D. bus

23. A. the other  B. all          C. more        D. another

24. A. situation  B. problem      C. agreement    D. accident

25. A. brought      B. took          C. sent        D. put

26. A. hide      B. expose      C. tell        D. find

27. A. realized      B. discovered      C. found    D. watched

28. A. help      B. refuse      C. report       D. stop

29. A. face      B. head          C. ears        D. eyes

30. A. offered      B. expected      C. hated        D. liked

31. A. bravely      B. actually      C. surely    D. certainly

32. A. wanted      B. waited      C. needed    D. loved

33. A. taking      B. sending      C. offering    D. robbing

34. A. knows      B. learns      C. wonders    D. asks

35. A. same      B. different      C. former    D. small

第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Dear Diana,

Thank you for the __36____ (love) day we had with you. It was so kind ___37___ you to let us bring Annie’s friend, Gina. Unfortunately, the only problem __38____ we had was the journey home. There had been __39____ accident on the highway and, __40____ a result, there was a long line of traffic for at least six miles. In the end, we __41____ (drive) to a service station and waited there __42____ the road was clear. In the car park there Gina nearly got __43____ (knock) over as a car drove out far too quickly behind a lorry. We finally dropped Gina off at her __44____ (parent) and made ___45___ own way home.

第三节 单词拼写(共10小题,满分10分)

46.Because of the computer, now we can ____________ (交流) with other people on the Internet.

47.Our workmate has been in danger. We’re all ___________ (关心) about his health.

48.Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could _________ (认出) him          immediately when I saw him in the crowd.

49.Many students attended the lecture, ________ (包括)our monitor.

50.Whether you will succeed or not in doing the work depends on your ________ (态度)to it.

51.The mother _________ (坚持) that he finish his homework first, which made his son very angry.

52.Without _________ (电),modern life would be very difficult.

53.Dead and ________ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.

54.Everything needs to be done according to a certain _______________(原则)

55.In some countries, especially in some poor countri

