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高一上学期英语月考复习知识点:unit1 重点短语,句型




Laugh at sb 嘲笑某人

Go through … 经历。。。

Make sth sth / make sb sb 把。。。变成。。。(He made the dog his best friend.)

Hide away = hide out 躲起来,藏起来

Set down = write down 写下

A series of … 一系列。。。 (a series of facts 一系列事实)

Call sb sth/sb   把某人称作。。。(we call him John)

It is /was +被强调部分that/who…(强调句型, that/who 不可省)

It is him who/that helps me with my English.

It is in this city that he is brought up.

Grow crazy about … 对。。。变得疯狂

There was a time …. 曾经一度。。。,曾经。。。

On purpose 故意地

For once 这次,就这一次

Give light 发出亮光

Dare do sth  敢做。。。(dare是情态动词)

Hold sb entirely in one’s power  完全被。。。的力量震住了

It is/was the first/second time that…(从句用完成时,is--现完,was—过完)

face to face 面对面地

it’s no pleasure doing sth  做。。。已不再是乐趣

look through …浏览,审核,透过。。。往里看

have some trouble with sb 和某人(相处)有麻烦,

enjoy doing sth 喜欢做。。。= like doing sth

become good friends 成为好朋友(注意朋友用复数)

start doing sth 开始做。。。(已发生)

fall in love with sb 爱上某人

end … 结束。。。,终结。。。(end  v)

communicate with sb 和某人交流

make friends with sb 和某人交朋友

add up sth 把。。。加起来,合计

(注:add up to…合计达。。。)

Calm down 平静下来

Be concerned about…. 关心。。。,挂念。。。

(注:be concerned with…与。。。有关)

Walk the dog 遛狗

According to …. 根据。。。





