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人教新课标unit3英语知识点复习 重点短语、句子汇总



Sb. / Sth. be in / out of sight 看得见 / 看不见

at first sight 第一眼

at the sight of… 一看见……就……

14. provided A with B 向A提供B

15. plenty of + [u] / [c] 许多

16. be previous to … 早于……

17. compare A with B

compare A to B 把A与B作比较,把A比喻作B

18. for health reasons 出于健康原因

19. bend the rules 变通,放宽

20. on earth 究竟,到底

21. be under repair 在维修中

22. search for … 寻找

23. assist sb. in /with sth.

= assist sb. in doing sth.

= assist sb. to do sth. 帮忙,协助某人去做某事

24. go soft 变软

25. speak in whisper 低声地说

26. be optimistic about … 对……乐观

27. switch on / off the power 开 /关电源

28.explain to sb. sth.= explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事

29. give off 发出(光/热等)

30. get / be caught in … 被困在……中


