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高一英语必修三知识点总结:Unit 1



9. have fun with sb. 与某人一起嬉戏,找乐子

Having nothing to do, they had fun with the cat. 他们无事可干,耍猫取乐。

10. have fun 玩得开心

The kids are having fun. 孩子们正玩得开心呢。

11. in/ for fun 开玩笑地,非认真地

He is learning French for/ in fun. 他学法语只是好玩。

12. make a fool of oneself 出丑,出洋相

He’s always afraid of making a fool of himself. 他总是怕出洋相。

13. make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人Are you trying to make a fool of me? 你想愚弄我吗?

14. ask permission of sb. 请求某人的许可

Ask permission of your father. 请求你父亲的允许吧。

15. without permission 未经许可

We can’t take photos here without permission. 未经许可,我们不能在此照相。

as if/ though +

were/ did…(与现在相反)

would do…(与过去相反)

had done…(与将来相反)



He acts as though he didn’t know anything about it. 他表现得好像他对这件事一点儿也不知道似的。

She talks about it again and again as though she would never end. 她反复谈论那件事,好像永远谈不完的样子。

He behaved as if nothing had happened. 他装作若无其事的样子。


