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高中英语必修三知识点总结:Unit 3



11. be out of patience with… 对……忍不住了

I will be out of patience with you. 我对你要失去耐心了。

12. with patience 耐心地

He is doing his business with patience. 他耐心地做着自己的事。

13. be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心,容忍某人You must be patient with my mother — she is going rather deaf. 你对我母亲得有耐心——她耳朵越来越背了。

14. be at fault 有错的;有责任My memory was at fault. 我记错了。

15. bring up


2)把吃的东西吐出来 = throw up


He was brought up by his uncle. 他是由叔叔养大的。

He ate too much and brought up all the food on the way. 他吃得太多,在路上全吐出来了。

These are the matters that you can bring up at the meeting. 这些事你可以在会议上提出来。

16. bring about 引起,导致

The earthquake brought about great damage to the building. 地震导致了这栋建筑物的极大破坏。

17. make/ have a bet (on sth.) (with sb.)

(与某人)(就某事)打赌They are making / having a bet on FIFA World player. 他们正在赌谁会当选世界足球先生。

18. I bet 我敢说,我确信

= I’m sureI bet he won’t come. 我敢说他不会来。


