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高中英语短文改错习题与答案:Tables manners



就到这里结束了,同学和老师们一定要认真阅读,希望能有所启发,对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。大家一定要把握好高中的学习,多练习,为高考奋战,小编为大家整理了高中英语短文改错习题与答案:Tables manners,希望对大家有帮助。

Tables manners are important in China . If 1____________

one is invited to dinner , he should not late 2____________

and should bring some small gift for the host . 3____________

The oldest sits facing the door or the 4_____________

window and the other gests sit in order of his 5____________

age . One should begin eating until everyone 6____________

was seated . It is bad manners to eat 7____________

only from the best dish , to talk with the mouths 8____________

full and eat neither too fast or too slow . 9____________

If one finishes eating and wish to leave , 10___________

he should say " Take your time , please "to the other guests .

1. Table 2. ^ be 3. for theiràhis

eitheràis 8. right 9. neitherà 6. should not 7. was 10 wishes

there 3. he^ would 4. saying 5.à

高中英语短文改错习题与答案:Tables manners就到这里结束了,同学和老师们一定要认真阅读,希望能有所启发,对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。

