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2010-11-08 13:14:57 来源:互联网 字体放大:  
  1.    The manger gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her ________ attitude toward customers.

A. impartial

B. mild

C. hostile

D. opposing

2.    I________ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.

A. express

B. confess

C. verify

D. acknowledge

3.    It is strictly _______that access to confidential documents is denied to all but a few.

A. secured

B. forbidden

C. regulated

D. determined


1.    C.A impartial:公正的;B mild:温和的;C hostile:敌对的;D opposing:面对的,相对的,相反的。根据句意,C与句意最为接近,故应选C.全句的意思是:经理向其中一位女售货员投以指责的目光,因为她对顾客持敌对态度。

2.    D.A express:表示,表达,指表达思想或感情。B confess:坦白,指犯了错误或犯了罪之后坦白自己的错误或罪行。C verify:证实,相证,核实,指核对某事是否属实。D acknowledge:承认,主要指承认事实。显然,D最接近句子的意思,故应选D.全句的意思是:我以感激的心情承认在准备这个新的专栏时我的同事给我的帮助。

3.    C.A secured:为……作保,使安全;B forbidden:禁止;C regulated:规定;D determined:决定。四个备选答案中C最接近句意,故应选C.全句意思为:严格规定:除极少数人外,所有其他人不得接触机密文件。