
2013-03-27 11:03:38 字体放大:  



1. (这个计划成功的关键) ___________is good planning.

2. The specific use of leisure______(每一人都不同)

3. The ship's generator broke down and the pumps____________________( 不得不用手工操作 ) instead of mechanically.

4. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used______________( 习惯了学生迟到 ) his lecture.

5. I prefer to communicate with my customers ______( 通过写电子邮件而不是打电话)

6. After the terrorist attack, tourists ______ ( 被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游)

7. ( 他把自己奉献于社区工作 ) ______ and is passionate about what he is doing.

8. Man should not exploit the natural resources ______ ( 以牺牲其他物种为代价 ).

9. When Sandy recovered from cancer, her doctor ______ ( 把此归因于她对未来的信念 ).

10. At the end of his speech, the school master encouraged the children to work hard ______ ( 不要让父母失望 ).

