
2014-11-28 13:27:59 字体放大:  

4) 问“建议做什么”,常用的提问方式有:

What does the woman/man suggest (doing)?

What does the woman advise the man to do?

5) 问“关系是什么”,通常用What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?来提问。

6) 问“在讨论什么”,一般用What are they talking about?来提问。

7) 问“对某人或某事有什么看法”。例如:

What does the man/woman think of somebody/something?

注意:有时也用How does the man feel about...进行提问。

2. Where为提问词引导的问句


Where does this conversation most probably take place?

Where does this conversation most likely occur?

Where are the man and the woman?

3. When/What time为提问词引导的问句
