magazine 杂志
journal 期刊
periodical 期刊
quarterly 季刊
back number 过刊
current issue 现刊
latest number 最新一期
index 索引
on the name/subject/具体说明title
stack 书库
I have trouble to find it.
ask the librarian for help
library card 借书证
circulation desk 流通台
magnetically coded 磁性条码
demagnetis 消磁
pay the fine 罚款
long distance call 长途电话
over sea call 越洋电话
collect call 对方付款电话
incoming call 打进的电话
outgoing call 往外打的电话
phonebooth 公用电话
self phone 手机
pay phone 投币式电话
person to person call 受话者接听的电话
station to station call 叫号电话
reciever 听筒