
2012-11-21 16:49:17 字体放大:  



1) Success means _______________(非常努力地工作).

答案及考点:working very hard.


2) John meant _______________(开车去那儿,但他的车出了故障).

答案及考点:to drive there, but his car broke down


(类似需要区别的动词还有forget, remember, regret, go on, stop等)

3) I heard him _______________(在跟他的母亲谈话).

答案及考点: talking to his mother


4) I heard him _______________(跟他的母亲谈了一个小时).

答案及考点: talk to his mother for an hour


5) He jumped into the pool to save the child _______________(结果却摔断了自己的腿).

答案及考点:only to break his own leg


6) He jumped from the burning house, _______________(摔断了双腿).

答案及考点:breaking his legs


7) He was happy _______________(看到父母很健康).

答案及考点: to see his parents in good health


8) _______________(看到父母安然无恙), he issued a sigh of relief.

答案及考点:Seeing his parents safe and sound


9) _______________(跟随着它的脚印), the zoologists spotted the hungry panda.

答案及考点:Following its footprints


10) The pop, _______________(后面跟着两个保镖), came to meet his fans.

答案及考点: followed by two body guards


