
2013-03-01 13:27:10 字体放大:  



I am passionate about English, and the challenge of expressing English fluently and swimmingly with foreigners was the principal motivation.

1、……having been brought up in the countryside.

2、Those mighty winds pulled in a band of cloud and some patchy rain through the small hours, and into thefirst part of the morning.翻译为:那些强劲的大风卷起一层云彩,还有些零星的小雨下了好一会,一直持续到清晨。

3、clearer skies and much light winds allowed temperatures to drop well into single figures resulting in a touch of grand frost in some rural areas.翻译为:清凉的天空和微风让温度值降到了个位数,使得很多乡村地区出现了霜.

4、The early sunshine giving away to a bit more clouds.注意的词语:give away 让步。


5、There was something of a drier interlude before an active weather system moved in from the west.

6、Some of the more exposed locations saw sustained winds of 40mph with gusts of 58mph.

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