I have recently received some enquiries from new clients asking me to help them with their writing skills in English.
This gave me an idea of starting a new series entitled English Writing Skills. In this series I will explore the different techniques that are required to produce good writing both in academia and business. The areas I plan to cover will vary from developing arguments through the use of linkers, punctuation, spelling and correct register (formal versus informal).
If there are any aspects of writing that you’d like me to write about, please do let me know and I will happily add it to the series.
In this first post of the series, I have decided to examine three punctuation symbols that are used in writing but are often confused and consequently ignored by many people –the dash (-), semicolon (;) and colon (:).
在这个系列的第一篇文章中,我决定剖析三个标点符号,它们是大家在写作中会经常使用的,但也是经常感到困惑和经常忽略的符号----破折号(-),分号 (;) 和冒号 (:)
I found this extremely helpful and informative infographic prepared by Grammar Net. According to Grammar Net: “ Dashes, semicolons and colons are potent punctuation. They add clarity, call attention to sentence elements and improve the “flow,” but they also add drama and are destructive if over-used.
This infographic provides a clear explanation of how to use these symbols. Let me know what you think. The infographic refers to period as a punctuation symbol. “Period” is American English. “Full Stop” is British English.
这张信息图对如何使用这些符号给出了一个清晰的阐述。让我知道你是怎么想的。信息图涉及到了作为标点符号的句号。“period”(句号)是美式英语的表达。“Full stop”(句号)是英式英语的表达。