BEC 精讲班第10讲讲义 军队
I. Vocabulary Study
force noun
air force空军
armed forces 武装部队
[uncountable] military action used as a way of achieving your aims 武力
Peace cannot be imposed by force. 和平是不可能靠武力来强制实现的。
[uncountable]the amount of physical power with which something moves or hits another thing 力量
force of
The force of the explosion blew out all the windows. 爆炸的力量将所有玻璃都冲击碎了。
[uncountable and countable] a natural power or event
the force of gravity 地心引力
[countable usually singular] a group of people who have been trained and organized to do a particular job 一群人
the company’s sales force 公司的销售人员
the quality of the teaching force 高水平的教师队伍
task force noun [countable]
1 a group formed for a short time to deal with a particular problem 短期工作专门小组
task force on
a task force on health care reform 医疗改革专门小组
2 a military force sent to a place for a special purpose 先遣部队
[countable] something or someone who is powerful and has a lot of influence on the way things happen 强势人物或事情
the driving force (behind something/somebody) (=the person or thing that makes something happen) 驱动力
Betty Coward was the driving force behind the project. 贝迪是这个项目的发起人。
a force for change/peace/democracy etc (=someone or something that makes change, peace etc more likely to happen) 主张改变/和平/民主的力量
workplace n. 工作场所[countable] the room, building etc where you work
in the workplace
a report into discrimination in the workplace 一份关于工作场所歧视问题的报告
marketplace noun [countable]
1 the marketplace
the part of business activity that is concerned with buying and selling goods in competition with other companies 交流或竞争的场所
Some retailers worry that new regulations will hurt their ability to compete in the marketplace. 一些零售商担忧新的法规颁布后会损害它们在市场上的竞争力。
2 an open area in a town where a market is held 集市