pallet n. straw-filled mattress; hard and simple bed; platform used to stack items during moving or storage; potter's tool; board where ceramics are place while drying; board for holding and mixing paints
pamper v. to treat with excessive indulgence; to give in to; gratify
panel n. group of judges; board, flat piece of wood; band; strip; crew; team; staff
paradigm n. model; ideal; mold; form; example; pattern
parameter n. variable which determines the form of a function; value which is transferred to a function or program and affects its operation (Computers)
paramount adj. superior, supreme; above all; of the highest rank; most important
parentheses n. the characters ( ); text enclosed in parentheses; act of isolating by parentheses (Syntax)
participate v. to be involved; to join in
particular adj. special; unusual; uncommon; detailed; meticulous; precise; pedantic; strict
particular n. detail; individual characteristic; item; article; specific proposition (Logic)
particularly adv. especially; specifically
partition n. the act or process of dividing something into parts; the state of being so divided; a part or section into which something has been divided
part-time n. system used to place one event in relation to another (such as past vs. present, yesterday vs. today); period; era; hour; rate
passport n. official document issued by a given country that identifies one's citizenship and personal details and allows passage into foreign countries
patch n. area of fabric used to repair a hole; stain; bandage; lot; plot of land; small repair to a program which adds or changes only a small part of the program (Computers)
patch v. to cover a hole with a piece of material; to use as a patch; to use to cover a hole