1.Scotland is thought to have made important contributions to the civilization of the Western world because of
A the great thinkers who were born there
B the methods introduced by its distinguished scholars
C the first-class education it provides
D the ideas proposed by some famous thinkers and intellectuals
2.Which of the following is the ultimate aim of Hume's huittamty-oriented studies?
A To observe and investigate humaii behaviour.
B To find ways to improve human society as a whole.:
C To find out how people think aiid feel.
D To judge the societies humans live iii.
3.Smith's idea of "enlightened self-interest" has great significance for
A the pursuit of personal interest
B the prosperity of all nations
C the improvement of international trade
D the study of economics only
4. Which of the following statements is true of the Scottish Enlightenment?
A It ended with the death of such thinkers as Hume and Adam Smith.
B It is embodied only in the way Scottish universities are run.
C Its influence is found only in economics.
D It is still alive in a broad sense.
5. The Institute for System Level Integration is used as an example to illustrate .
A the practical orientation of Scottish higher edueation
B the tradition of Scottish higher education
C Smith's application of Hume's philosophical ideas to ecoiiomics
D the high level of education Scottish universities have attiiiied