



Many of the old-school rules and much of the conventional wisdom when it comes to resumes is either outdated or was never really on target to start with:

许多学校提供的如何写 简历 的法则,以及一些传统的观点,要么就过时了,要么没有切中要害。比如:

You should never have a resume of more than one page。

简历 不要超过一页。

List your hobbies。


Include a statement and summary of your "goals and objectives."


Keep the document dry and professional。

让你的 简历 看起来简洁、专业。

The problem, according to professional resume writers, is that much of this advice establishes a cookie-cutter formula that makes it hard for your own document to stand out。


Among the mistakes experts single out: showing only your job descriptions without accomplishments; one-page, brief resumes for people with considerable experience; using small font size and abbreviated descriptions to fit into one page; listing hobbies, interests and personal data; placing references directly in the resume; courier font, unusual fonts and "fancy" formatting; explanations of "reasons for leaving" previous positions; and lying, exaggerating or misrepresenting your credentials and accomplishments。


What does work: showing your accomplishments for each job description; including email and Web addresses; highlighting special projects and assignments; and creatively presenting entrepreneurial activities。








