



简历 必须能够传达关键信息。什么是关键信息呢? 简历 就如同是一个三十秒钟的广告。如果理解了这一点,那么用营销术语来说,关键信息就好比是"热键"。 简历 的阅读者需要知道的信息就是关键信息。它能激发起热情并促成最终行动-- 面试 。

Resume must be able to convey the key information. What are the critical information? Resume is like a 30 seconds of advertising. If understand this, so use marketing terms, the key information was like "hot keys". The reader need to know your resume information is the key information. It can stimulate the enthusiasm and contributed to eventually action-interview.


Professional design is a self-promotion behavior, you should be creative and full of excitement and hope for the future. When you need to market themselves, writing resume, want to follow a set of rules, and that is:


Never allow any spelling and print error, and your resume must good structure, expression, professional, and talked about content and you seek into industry coordinated.


This is the requirement to resume. Of course, the best language should be concise, if no special circumstances, one to two page is enough. Now there are many successful professional designers will chart cleverly implanted in their resume, and complete with full of energy, passion and the deck of professional models. Professional designers for the first time they resume felt excited and excited. Don't forget, if even you yourself can't for your resume and excited, how can you expect it to impress someone else?

因此概括来讲,简历有两个主要目标。比较明显的一个目标是简历要作为钩和线,引诱未来的雇主吞下诱饵,邀请你 面试 。简历的第二个目标则是激励你的斗志并且为你的 面试 和 求职 全过程做好准备

So the general speaking, there are two main goals resume. The obvious one goal is to resume as hook and line, to lure future employers swallowed the bait, invite you to the interview. The second goal of the resume is motivating your morale and for your interview and application process to prepare for







