



The first section of your resume should include information on how the employer can contact you.

First Last Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip

Phone (Landline or Cell)

Email Address


In the education section of your resume, list the school you attend and any awards or honors (like the National Honor Society) you have earned.

High School

Awards, Honors


This section of your resume includes your work history. If you have had a job before, list the company you worked for, dates of employment, the positions you held and a bulleted list of responsibilities. If you haven't had a regular job before, it's fine to include positions like baby sitting or pet sitting and any volunteer experiences you might have.

Company #1

City, State

Dates Worked

Job Title

Responsibilities / Achievements

Responsibilities / Achievements

Company #2

City, State

Dates Worked

Job Title

Responsibilities / Achievements

Responsibilities / Achievements


Include skills related to the position / career field that you are applying for i.e. computer skills, language skills.






