




姓名:Name: Jiade Hua


Nationality: Iran


Gender: Male


Age: 30

职业:贸易,演艺, 翻译 (现为北京语言大学研究生)

Profession: Trading, entertainment, translator (now a graduate student at Beijing Language and culture University)


Specialty: witty skits, cross-talk


Having a lot of experiences in being an anchor of entertainment movements in BLCU, being participate in the witty skits show. In 2004, he has attended the competitive contest and won with honor.

2008年7月中央电视台海尔杯 留学 生汉语大赛金奖

Awarded with Golden prize in the Chinese Language Contest of China-lived Foreign Student (this contest supported by Haier Corporation and organized mainly by CCTV)


Being a disciple of the famous cross-talk actor Jingguangquan (September, 2008)


For many times, he has performed in Iran embassy. (2008—2009)

2008年10月为伊朗农业部长做 翻译

Being the translator of Iranian Agriculture Minister (November, 2008)

2009年1月 CCTV4元旦晚会小品《花轿》

CCTV 4《中国味道》特约嘉宾

Giving a dramatic skit named of “Sedan” in the evening party of the New Year’s Day organized by CCTV-4.

Invited by CCTV-4 as a special guest for a talk show named “Like Chinese” (January, 2009)


Being a guest of the FuJian Southeast TV show named “super star” (February, 2009)

2009年4月为伊朗设拉子市市长做 翻译

Being the translator of the Major of Shiraz, Iran (April, 2009)

2009年5月 CCTV4同乐五洲表演相声


CCTV3 《开心词典》

Giving the cross-talk show at “TongLeWuZhou” initiated by CCTV-4 in 2009;

Original online sitcom named “play petty tricks” produced by Huajiade, which has won a prize issued by BLCU.

With experience of attending the TV show named KaiXinCiDian on CCTV-3.


Being participated in the cross-talk team which organized by the Master Mr. Dingguangquan for the Singapore entertainment show, which gain a great honor among TV station, broadcasts, and newspapers, therefore, arose high attention of Singapore media. (June, 2009)

2009年·7月 CCTV4丝绸之路 波斯商人扮演者

Act as Persian business man in the scientific series—the Silk Road produced by CCTV-4, July 2009.

2009年7月到8月间 热心于公益演出事业。参加了《九九星团》各种社区、部队等的访问、义演活动。八一建军节的时候为消防武警战士表演单口相声,受到广泛好评。

Having great interests in public benefit activities/ Being a member of a local Chinese association named “JiuJiuXingTuan(a public benefit association)”, together with his partner, performed many times in community and armies.








