






Task 1:Today we are going to deal with the topic“Computer”. Do you like computers? How many of you have got a computer at home? Do you often use the computer? For what purposes?


Task2:Look at the topic in the textbook to predict the content of the text.


Task3:Discuss in groups:In what ways do computers concern us in our daily life? Try to make a list of them.(The whole class may be divided into 4-5 groups. After group discussion,each group try to report the ways in which the computers concern us. The more items the group write down,the higher marks the group will get.)

任务3分析:笔者选择这样的任务作为正式接触课文前的“热身练习”(Warming-up exercises),是因为它利用了学生对computer的兴趣,调动了学生的积极性,学生可以利用他们的现有知识以及想象力对计算机在日常生活中的运用展开充分的讨论,同时也是对课文内容的一种深入挖掘。另外分组竞赛的组织方式使课堂气氛紧张、热烈、活跃。

Task4:Each group report the discussion result to the whole class. Compare the items each group provide. Then make a comparison between the items you mention and those mentioned in the text.


Task5:Nowadays computer-assisted instruction is getting more and more popular in China. It is believed that computers will someday play a very important role in educating children,and perhaps will gradually take the place of a teacher. What do you think of it? Do you believe that computers can and will take the place of teachers in the future? Why or why not?/Compare the advantages and disadvantages between computer-assisted education and teacher-assisted education.(Or some other writing tasks after class such as:What do you want a computer to do for you in the future if possible?/Can you live without a computer?)

