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Just for love of money, the Americans have caused serious social problems. A part of moral monsters cheat others for money. Under the attractive of money, they want to gain the most money from the customers. They often produce violent film, games, or bad quality products to gain money. There is a warning from one newspaper: the adults should be alert to companies that sell violent films to their children. With the extensive use of cable TV, video tapes and computers, children have more opportunities to see bloody violent scenes. These things have made youth believe that the gun can “solve” all problems. It is a serious social problem. An investigative reports issued on August 1, 2001 by a U.S non-governmental watchdog group- Parents Television Council (PTC) said that violence in television programs from 8 to 9 p.m. even CBS, regarded as the “cleanest” TV network, had 3.2 scenes of violence and abusive language per hour. International Herald Tribune reported that one American youth could see 40, 000 murder cases and 200, 000 other violent acts from the media before the age of 18. I surprise of such a big number. As they know that the young people are the hope of a nation, however, nowadays, they are in danger. For example, on March 7, 2005, a 15 years old student killed two and wounded 13 fellows’ students at Santana High School in California. Two days later, on March 7, 2005, a 14 years old girl student shot dead a schoolmate of hers in the cafeteria of a Roman Catholic school in Pennsylvania. Just for gain money from media, it has caused a high rate of crime.

We can hardly connect money with election. However, the view of money can destroy a democratic election in the United States. Election, especially for the election of president is very important in a country. If the election isn’t justice, the people would suffer the pain under the tyranny. It is believed that America is a democracy country and the process of election is justice. However, we are wrong; there are still some people use money to buy politic right and money. Money become the evil, money destroyed the American’s democracy. The federal and state governments have been taken over by those who are able to provide multi-million dollar election campaign funds. Wealthy person run for office or they “buy” their own candidates, then these elected officials carry out the programs of those who put them into power. The most visible example is Enron’s chairman, Keylay, giving 2 billion dollars to the Bush campaign and then allow by the Bush administration to manipulate the energy markets to make billions.

III. Solutions to the problems of the Americans’ Outlook on Money

In fact, money is a world language. Whether Chinese or American, money is just money. The money’s value is decided by human, so how to deal with money and the outlook on money are very important. What does the average America family do with money at present? For most of families, the first thing they have to do is to manage it. Families often keep careful financial records. Many of them spend their income in a planned way. They often plan for basic expenses like housing, food, clothes, and medical bills. On average, Americans save around 5 percent of their income. All of these conducts are appropriate. However, they need to find better methods for dealing with the disadvantages of the outlook on money.

