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发布时间:2023-04-05 12:00来源:www.51edu.com作者:畅畅


QA 常用英语知识

1. 常见品质术语: 常见品质术语: 5S:整理 Seiri 整顿:Seiton 清扫:Seiso 清洁:Seiketsu 素养:Shitsuke 5WIH: 5W: What 做什么 Why 为什么要做 When 何时做 Where 哪里做 Who 谁来做 IN:How To Do 如何做 PDCA: P:计划 Plan D :执行 do C:检查 Check A:纠正 Action IQC:In-Coming Quality Control 来料质量控制 IPQC:In-Process Quality Control 制程质量控制 FQC:Final Quality Control 最终成品质量控制 QA:Quality Audit/Assurance 质量审核/保证 QE:Quality Engineer 品质工程师 QE:Quality Engineering 品质工程 PE:Production Engineer 生产工程师 PE:Production Engineering 生产工程 管制图:Contr Chart 查核表:Chech Sheet 或 Check List UCL: Upper Control Limit 上控制界限 LCL:Lower Control Limit 下控制界限 AQL:Acceptable Quality Level 允收水准 Q.C.C:Quality Control Circle 品管圈 2.ISO 系统方面 ISO:The International Organization for Standardization:国际标准化组织 顾客满意:Custorner Satisfaction 品质方针:Quality Policy 品质体系:Quality System 组织结构:Organizational Chart(O-Chart) 品质手册:Quality Manual 纠正措施:Corrective Action(CA) 预防措施:Preventive Action(PA) 文控中心: D.C.C 版本号: Rev No 3.颜色(Color) 颜色( 颜色 ) 白色 White 蓝色 Blue 褐色 Brown 红色 Red 黑色 Black 深红色 Deep Red 樱桃红 Cherry 粉红色 Pink 橙红色 Salmon pink 淡蓝 Light Blue 深色 Dark 黄色 yellow 橙色 orange 金色 gold 灰色 grey gray 银色 silver 绿色 green 紫色 purpie 紫红色 mauve 灰白色 off-while 雪白色 snowy while 橙紫色 salmon pink 浅粉红色 baby pink 琥珀色 amber 橄榄绿 olive green 褐红色 maroon 蓝绿色 aquamarine blue 4.月份 月份 月 Month 一月 January 二月 February 三月 March 四月 April 五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 December 5.周日 周日

星期.周 week 星期日 Sunday 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wendnesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday 周日(星期日以外的日子)Weekly 6.方向 Direction 方向 东 east 南 south 西 west 北 north 东方的 eastern 南方的 southern 西方的 western 北方的 northern 7.世界各地的人和语言 世界各地的人和语言 亚洲的(人)Asia 欧洲的(人)European 西班牙 Spanish 语瑞士语 Swiss 瑞典语 Swedish 加拿大的(人)Canada 美洲的或美国的(人)American 汉语 Chinese 日语 Japanese 英语 English 法语 French 泰语 Thai 德语 German 意大利语 Italian 阿拉伯语 Arabic 8.单位 单位 米 meter 吨 ton 厘米 centimeter 公斤 kilogram 件或个 piece 磅 pound


中文 英文

1.返工好重新检查数量:125pcs Quantity inspected after rework 125pcs

2.原因:漏电及漏装水煲盖,说明书,水杯 Reasons:Hi-pot failure, missing of Kettle cover, instruction manual and cup

3.在22-Oct-2008,报告PO:6071 QTY:1504pcs Report date:22-Oct-2008 PO:6071 Qty:1504pcs

4.漏装水煲盖,说明书及水杯 Missing of Kettle cover, iustuction manual and cup

5.机身污糟 Dirty housing

6.手柄离隙 Gap on handle

7.吸塑刮花 Scratches on clamshell

8.吸塑污糟 Dirty clamshell

9.漏装卡纸 Missing of paper mat

10.内有物 Foreign material inside

11.吸塑有批峰 Flashes on clamshell

12.插头未装到位 Plug is not installed in place

13.吸塑刮花 Scratches on clamshell

14.吸塑漏孔 Missing punch on clamshell

15.返好工重新检查,数量:80pcs Re-inspection after rework,Qty:80pcs

16.卡通箱 Carton Box

17.彩盒 Gift Box

18.左发泡胶 Left Foam

19.右发泡胶 Right foam

20.PE袋 PE bag

21.说明书 Instruction Manual

22.功能贴纸 Rating label

23.线插 Receptacle Terminal

24.奶咀 Closed end connector

25.铜码 Splicer

26.电阻 Resistor

27.氖灯 Neon lamp

28.纤维管(高温) Sleeving tube

29.手柄夹线 Wire jammed at handle

30.咭纸变形 Paper mat deformation

31.咭线烂 Paper mat broken

32.咭纸未装好 Paper mat not install in place

33.用以下插头做测试 To do with the following plug test

34.欧洲 Europe plug

35. 瑞士 Switzerland plug

36.意大利 Italy plug

37.英国 BS plug

38.南美 South America

39.反光盘脱电镀层 Poor chrome plate on reflected dish

40.后大身 Rear housing

41.前大身 Front housing

42.柱断 Column broken

43.灯片未装到位 Len not install in place

44.脚不平 Unbalance rubber foot

45.大身刮手 Flash on housing

46.漏装胶粒 Missing rubber foot

47.大身花 Scratches on housing

48.大身污 Dirty housing

49.BS插头紧 BS plug tight

50.漏电源线及说明书 Missing of power cord and instruction manual

51.丝印刮花 Silk-screen scratched

52.污糟 Dirty

53.刮花 Scratch mark

54.功能贴纸贴反 Rating label upside down

55.面板刮花 Scratches on metal tray

56.大身污糟 Dirty on housing

57.功率高 Wattage exceed spec

58.下大身污糟 Dirty on bottom housing

59.每只用胶袋装并印有红色环保唛头放入彩盒有IB(说明书)及发泡胶 Each unit put into a polybag with red color recycle symbol, together with instruction manual and poly foam then insert into the gift box

60.每只外箱装3只 3 pcs per carton

61.用透明胶纸封箱,打工字型封箱 Sealed the carton with transparent adhesive tape in “工“shape

62.漏移印 Pad print missing

63.离隙 Gap

64.大身脱油 Poor painting on housing

65.挡制发白 Switch button whiten

66.手柄漏水 Leakage at handle

67.灯不亮有功能 Mal-function of light

68.内有物(金属、塑胶) foreign material (metal,plastic)

69.发热体生锈 Rust on heat plate

70.底板花 Scratches on base cover

71.电源线污 Dirty power cord

72.蒸气细 Less steam

73.钢圈变形 Defomation of metal ring

74.引线、排线不良 Poor wiring

75. 钢圈松 Metal ring loose

76.装配不良 Poor assembly

77.支撑架(细) Small support bracket

78.支撑架(大) Large support bracket

79.反光盘(大) Large reflected dish

80.反光盘(小) Small reflected dish

81.发热圈固定夹(大) Large heater holder clamp

82.发热圈固定夹(大) Small heater holder clamp

83.线扣 Cord buckle

84.胶脚 Rubber foot

85.菊花介子 External tooth washer

86.弹弓介子 Spring washer

87.索带 Cable tie

88.电源线 Power cord

89.底板漏水 Base covEr Leadage

90.无蒸气 NO steam

91.喷水不良 Poor spray

92.手柄破裂 Broken handle

93.手柄松 Loose handle

94.灯片破 Lens broken

95.发热体脱油 Oil peel off from heating plate

96.锁扣松 Loose lock

97.手柄离隙 Gap between on handle

98.手柄脱电镀 Poor plating on handle

99.锁扣紧 Lock tighten

100.发热体刮花 Scratches on heat plate

101.透明盖花 Scratches on trunsparent cover

102.大身喷油不良 Poor spray on housing

103.日码不清晰 Date code not clear

104.上下大身离隙 Gap between top and bottom housing

105.焊锡不良 Poor soldering

106.按钮不良 Mal function on press bottom

107.漏贴功能贴纸 Missing rating label

108.指示灯装反 Instructing light not install in place

109.插头污槽 Dirty on plug

110.大身脱电镀 Poor plating on body

111.漏打螺丝 Missing screw

112.电镀不良 Poor plating

113.吸塑变形 Plastic deformation

114.开关不良 Bad switch

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