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一首英文歌mv里有汽车变机器人 是什么歌

发布时间:2023-10-07 12:00来源:www.51edu.com作者:畅畅

一首英文歌mv里有汽车变机器人 是什么歌

What Do You Mean? - Justin Bieber

What do you mean

When you nod your head yes

But you wanna say no

What do you mean

When you don't want me to move

But you tell me to go

What do you mean

What do you mean

Said we're running out of time what do you mean

What do you mean

Better make up your mind

What do you mean

You're so indecisive of what I'm saying

Trying to catch the beat make up your heart

Don't know if you're happy or complaining

Don't want for us to end where do I start

First you wanna go left and you want to turn right

Wanna argue all day make love all night

First you up and you're down and then between

Oh I really want to know

What do you mean

When you nod your head yes

But you wanna say no

What do you mean

When you don't want me to move

But you tell me to go

What do you mean

What do you mean

Said we're running out of time what do you mean

What do you mean

Better make up your mind

What do you mean

You're overprotective when I'm leaving

Trying to compromise but I can't win

You wanna make a point but you keep preaching

You had me from the start won't let this end

First you wanna go left and you want to turn right

Wanna argue all day make love all night

First you up and you're down and then between

Oh I really want to know

What do you mean

When you nod your head yes

But you wanna say no

What do you mean

When you don't want me to move

But you tell me to go

What do you mean

What do you mean

Said we're running out of time what do you mean

What do you mean

Better make up your mind

What do you mean

When you nod your head yes

But you wanna say no

What do you mean

When you don't want me to move

But you tell me to go

What do you mean

What do you mean

Said we're running out of time what do you mean

What do you mean

Better make up your mind

What do you mean

Justin Bieter的个人资料!要快!

中文名:贾斯汀·比伯 英文名:Justin Bieber 原名:Justin Draw Bieber 性别:男 昵称:B宝,J-Beebs,Bieber,Beebs,Bee,宝B 粉丝昵称:belieber (B宝的粉丝的昵称那是全宇宙公认的,belieber是有believe+bieber组合而成。在B宝的twitter上经常出现。) 国籍:加拿大 居住地:Atlanta Botanical (亚特兰大 )【在加拿大的斯特拉特福(加拿大安大略省西南部城市)长大】 生日:1994年3月1日 星座:双鱼座 [1]B宝笑谈自己的身高[1] 鞋码:目前SIZE 7 (39码) 家庭:爸爸 Jeremy Bieber,妈妈Pattie(父母离婚,父亲再婚) 妹妹Jazmime,弟弟Jaxon(2009年11月20日出生) 初恋:13岁的时候 初吻:13岁的时候 害怕:狭窄封闭的地方,不能活动的地方(因为小时候曾被锁在玩具箱中,后来又有2个小时困在电梯里) 日常的好朋友:Ryan Butler and Christian Beadles(打钢牙,前女友Caitlin的弟弟) 爱好:音乐 、滑板 特长:创作,架子鼓,跳舞,吉他,钢琴,小号 偶像: Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊)、Boyz II Men 、Usher(亚瑟小子)、Chuck Norris 喜欢的艺人:Beyonce、Michael Jackson、Taylor Swift、Rihanna、Kim Kardashian、Britney Spers、T-boe、Lifehose、Ne-Yo、Chris Bown、Justin Timberlake 最喜欢的歌曲类型:R&B、HipHop、RAP、舞曲、Teen-Pop 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色、紫色 最喜欢的食物:意大利面、中餐 最喜欢的数字:6、9、18Justin Bieber发型最喜欢的运动:曲棍球,橄榄球,高尔夫,篮球,足球,滑板,单车,冲浪 最喜欢的节日:圣诞节 最喜欢的的歌曲:《Never Say Never》 《Up》《Somebody To Love》 最爱做的动作:左手在右胸前做一个v手势、两只手做心的动作、甩甩头发 前女友: Caitlin Beadles 圈内好友:Miley Cyrus、Taylor Swift、Selena Gomez、Jonas Brothers、Jaden Smith

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