所在位置:主页 > 人工智能 > 上海智能工厂展跟慕尼黑是一个展会吗?


发布时间:2023-10-26 12:00来源:www.51edu.com作者:畅畅


2019中国(上海)国际工业互联网及工业通讯展览会与2019第17届上海智能工厂展暨工业汪知自动化机器人展(SIA)同期举办,是工业领域的行业例会,吸引了1000家展商,专业观众100,000人,展出面积90,762平米蚂宴,每年固定在上海、广州轮流举办,国务院印发《关于深化“互联网+先进制造业”发展工业互联网的指导意见》,为我国工业互联网发展指明了方向。随着中国工业经济的转型发展,“智能制造”相关政策的强化、深入、调整和推动,工业通讯的市场需求愈来愈大。因此,我们与众多行业协会共同举办“2019中国(上海)工业互联网及工业通讯展览会-工业互联网大会”, 展会将汇聚智能制造、电子信息、智能家居、汽车制造、能源电力、智能教育、航空航天、医药医疗、仓储物流、智能交通、电信业、公共安全、民生政务、基础建设等领域超3万名专业观众,是集产品展示、品牌推广营销、买家对接、技术交流、企业融资、高端峰会及行业评选为一体的全方位智能困物消制造产业展示平台。琳琅满目的创新设备和制造科技,工业4.0和智慧工厂理念与实践相结合,带您尽览未来智能制造科技成果。

2019 China (Shanghai) International Industrial Internet and Industrial Communication Exhibition, held in the same period as the 2019 seventeenth Shanghai intelligent factory exhibition and industrial automation Robot Exhibition (SIA), is an industrial meeting meeting, attracting 1000 exhibitors, 100000 professional audience, 90762 square meters of exhibition area, fixed in Shanghai and Guangzhou each year. The State Council issued the guidance on deepening the Internet + advanced manufacturing industry for the development of industrial Internet, indicating the direction for the development of China's industrial Internet. With the transformation and development of China's industrial economy and the strengthening, deepening, adjusting and promoting the related policies of intelligent manufacturing, the market demand for industrial communication is becoming more and more large. Therefore, together with many industry associations, we jointly organised the 2019 China (Shanghai) industrial Internet and Industrial Communication Exhibition - the industrial Internet Conference. The exhibition will assemble intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, smart home, automobile manufacturing, energy, electricity, intelligent education, aviation, aviation, medical, warehousing, logistics, and intelligence. More than 30 thousand professional audiences in transportation, telecommunications, public safety, people's livelihood, infrastructure and other fields are the comprehensive intelligent manufacturing industry exhibition platform which integrates product display, brand promotion and marketing, buyer docking, technology exchange, enterprise financing, high-end summit and industry selection. The combination of innovative equipment and manufacturing technology, industry 4 and smart factory concept and practice will bring you a full view of the future intelligent manufacturing technology achievements.

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