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1. I think I am somewhat on the shy side.

1. 我想我有点儿害羞。

2. I am a curious person, and I like to learn new things.

2. 我是一个充满好奇心的人,而且喜欢学习新的事物。

3. In handling angry customers, Im patient but firm. ,

3. 应付生气的顾客时,我很有耐心但也很坚决。

4. I may look dull and uninteresting, but youll be surprised when you get to know better.

4. 我看起来也许呆板、无趣,但是你进一步了解我以后就会感到惊讶。

5. I approach things very passionately, and I can take on jobs that trouble others and work at them slowly until they get down. ,

5. 我做事很热心,能承担烦人的工作,然后慢慢研究,直到解决问题。

6. Frankly, I think Im an extrovert, so I dont like to work with introverted persons.~-

6. 坦率地讲,我是一个外向的人,因此不大喜欢和内向的人一起工作。

7. Well, I wouldnt like to call myself inward-looking though sometimes I like to think independently and enjoy staying all myself, and often I like sharing activities with others. ~*

7. 我不算内向,尽管有时候我喜欢独立思考,自己一个人独处,但我更多是和大家~*起参加活动。

8. Im not very outward-looking. I dont try to go a-head of people and direct them. Id rather work together with somebody else, and get the job done by cooperation. ,

8. 我不是很外向,我不想在别人前头指挥别人。我宁愿和别人一起工作,合作完成任务。

9. On certain social affairs I think Im rather conservative, such as birth without marriage. But I am also open-minded on other social affairs, such as the social reforms. , ,

9. .在一些社会问题上,如未婚先孕,我比较保守。但是在另一些问题上我就比较开放了,如社会的改革。

10. Im not so eloquent and a little shy in public, perhaps thats my weak point. But I am careful and patient in doing things.

10. 我不善言谈,在大众面前有点害羞,或许这是我的弱项。但是我做事耐心仔细。

11. Sometimes I would lose my temper, at present I learn to be tolerant and to control my temper.

11. 有时我会发脾气,现在我正学着去宽容和控制自己。

12. I am proud of my strong will and never withdrawing from frustrations, but sometimes I am not so patient in doing things.

12. 我以我坚强的意志和从不退缩为骄傲,但是有时候做事就不那么有耐心了。






