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一. 听录音,找出与所听内容相符的选项,填序号。(10分)

(   )1. A. cap           B. car         C. cat

(   ) 2. A. desk         B. chair        C. dad

(   ) 3. A. seventeen     B. sixteen      C. seven

(   ) 4. A.under         B. on          C. in

(   ) 5. woman          B. man         C. mother

二. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。  (10分)

(   )1 .A. I’m from the UK.           B. I’m from the USA.

(   )2. A. It has a small head.        B. It has a short tail .

(   )3. A. Where is the ruler ?        B. Where is my pencil ?

(   )4. A. Do you like pears ?        B. Do you likes bananas ?

(   )5. A.How many crayons do you have ?

B. How many crayons can you see ?

三. 听录音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,相符的写√,不相符的写×。(10分)

1.       2.           3.

(     )                   (     )                       (     )

4.             5.

(      )                          (      )

四. 听问句,选择正确的答语。(10分)

(  )1.A.Fine ,thank you .         B. How are you ?

(  )2.I can see 15.              B.I have 15.

(  )3.She is my mother .         B. He is my father .

(  )4.Yes ,I do .                 B.No .I do .

(  )5.Yes ,it isn’t .               B . No, it isn’t .



六. 把下列单词按所给格式抄写在四线三格内。(7分)

Brother   teacher     tail    eyes      USA    tall


(  )1.A.mother   B .sister     C. cap

(  )2.A.sixteen   B .blue      C. fifteen

(  )3.A.like       B.apple     C. orange

(  )4.Canada     B .China    C. Jiangxi

(  )5.head      B. long      C. big

八. 按要求完成下列各题(10分)

boy(复数形式) _____________   small(反义词) _____________

tall (英译汉) _____________     英国(缩写形式)_____________

he(对应词) _____________      thin(反义词) _____________

great(英译汉) ____________    look at (英译汉) _____________

man(对应词) ____________       I(宾格形式)_____________

九. 读一读、选一选。(10分)

(  )1.——Have some apples.   ——__________________________.

A. Thank you .     B.OK.     C.  Good !

(  )2 ——Who’s this boy?


A.He is my father.    B .He is my brother .      C. She is my sister.

(  )3.——What do you like?


A.No ,I don’t .        B.   Yes ,I do .           C.  I like oranges.

(  )4.——Where are you from ?


A.I from China         B .I am from China .     C.I from  the UK .

(  )5.——Is it on the desk ?


A.Yes, it isn’t         B .No ,it is .                C. No ,it isn’t .

十. 情景选择 ( 10分)

(     ) 1.你想向你的妈妈介绍Miss White,应该怎么说?

A. This is my mother.    B .This is me .   C .This is my teacher .

(     )2.在同学家做客,你想吃西瓜时,可以说:

A .Can I have some watermelons, please ?

B .I want to have watermelons .

C. Can you have some bananas ,please ?

(     )3.如何表达:你有多少个气球?

A.How many balloons can you see ?

B .How many balls do you have ?

C. How many balloons do you have ?

(     )4.你的玩具汽车不见了,你该怎么询问呢?

A. Where is my car ?     B .Where is my toy car ?

C. What is my car ?

(     )5.如果你不喜欢吃梨,你可以说:

A.I don’t like pears.  B. I don’t like apples.  C. I don’t like oranges.


