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一Listen and circle the letters(听录音,圈出你听到的字母组)5%

1) breakfast    braekfast     breakfsat

2) thirsty     thristy      thirtsy

3) mingmi     minging     miming

4) ciurcs     circus      cricus

5) animals    aminals      anialms

二 Listen and circle the words(听录音,圈出你听到的单词)10%

A      B      C

(  ) 1. soap    soup    shoes

(  ) 2. bear     hair     here

(  ) 3. sand     shell     sun

(  ) 4. coat     cloud    cold

(  ) 5. swing    skip     slide

(  ) 6. towel    tomato    time

(  ) 7. turn off   turn on    turn to

(  ) 8. get up    go to bed   go to sleep

(  ) 9. tooth    toothbrush  toothpaste

(  ) 10. climb    come    crossing

三 Listen and circle(听录音,圈出你听到的内容) 5%

(  ) 1. Don’t ________________.

A. ride a bicycle here.   B. walk on the grass

(  ) 2. Spotty can _________________.

A. fly the kite       B. run fast

(  ) 3. It’s so hot. Please _________________.

A. turn on the fan     B. close the window

(  ) 4. Your hands are dirty. _____________________.

A.  Wash your towel quickly.

B.  Wash your hands quickly.

(  ) 5. In the morning. I __________ and ___________.

A.  brush my teeth … wash my face

B. brush my face … wash my teeth

四 Listen and choose (听录音,选出正确的句子) 10%

(  ) 1. A. I like to dance.      B. I can draw.

(  ) 2. A. Here you are.      B. No, thanks.

(  ) 3. A. It’s eight o’clock.     B. It’s a clock.

(  ) 4. A. What do you want?   B. What do you do?

(  ) 5. A. It’s OK.        B. Yes, please.

五 Listen and write the correct number in the circle(看图听录音,按听到的顺序在小圆圈里编号) 10%

III.  阅读 30%

一 Fill in the blanks (填入所缺地字母并译成中文) 8%

1)t __ __t h    (   )  2) b __ __ l (   )

3)__ l __p h __ n t (   )  4) s __ __ p (   )

5) d __ __     (   )  6) s w __ __ t (   )

7) q __ __ l t    (   )  8) s __ n d  (   )

二 Circle the word that does not belong(圈出不同类的词 )5%

A    B     C

(  ) 1. door    dog    room

(  ) 2. fork    spoon   pears

(  ) 3. summer  water   winter

(  ) 4. ride    red    skip

(  ) 5. duck    chick   bear

三 Choice (选择填空)  12%

1. _______ your towel, please.  (A: Wash   B: Clean )

2. The horse has ___ eyes.    ( A: two   B: a   )

3. There ___ a sofa in my room. (A: is     B: are  )

4. It’s hot. ____ the window, please.(A: Close   B: Open  )

5. ____ you like the snowman?  (A: Are    B: Do  )

6. ____a bicycle here.     ( A: Climb    B: Ride  )

7. I like to ____ some lemon juice.  ( A: eat   B: drink  )

8. This is Shanghai Zoo. I can see ___.(A: shells  B: tigers  )

9. I can wash my towel with____.  (A: soap  B: soup  )

10. My brother ____ a new belt.   (A: have  B: has  )

11. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Have____ , please.

A: dinner   B: breakfast   C: lunch

12. It’s not summer. It’s cold. Don’t ______ .

A: go to the zoo  B: go to the beach  C: go to the park

四 Read and judge(阅读短文,判断下列句子与短问内容是否相符,用√或ⅹ表示) 5%

In the morning I get up at six o’clock. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. At seven o’clock I have my breakfast and go to school. At about four o’clock in the afternoon I go home. At six o’clock I have dinner with my father and mother. Look, what’s in the sky? The moon. Oh, it’s nine o’clock. It’s time to go to bed.

(  ) 1. I get up at 7:00 in the morning.

(  ) 2. At 7:30 I go to school.

(  ) 3. I go home at 4:00 in the afternoon..

(  ) 4. We have supper at 6:00.

(  ) 5. At 9:00 I go to sleep.


一Listen and circle the letters(听录音,圈出你听到的字母组)

1) breakfast 2) thirtsy 3) mingmi  4) cricus 5) anialms

二 Listen and circle the words(听录音,圈出你听到的单词)10%

1)soup 2)bear  3)sand 4)cloud  5)skip

6)time 7)turn on 8)go to sleep 9)toothbrush 10)crossing

三 Listen and circle(听录音,圈出你听到的内容)

1) Don’t walk on the grass.  2) Spotty can fly the kite.

3) It’s so hot. Please turn on the fan.

4) Your hands are dirty. Wash your hands quickly.

5) In the morning, I brush my teeth and wash my face.

四 Listen and choose (听录音,选出正确的句子)

1) What do you like?   2) Some water, Eddie.

3) What time is it?    4) I see a bird.  5) I’m sorry.

五 Listen and write the correct number in the circle(看图听录音,按听到的顺序在小圆圈里编号)

It’s Sunday. It’s nine o’clock. Tom and Sue are having breakfast.

Look, there are many things on the table. Tom has a spoon and chopsticks. And there is a watch on Tom’s hand. Sue has a knife, a plate and a fork. On the table there is a candle. Under the table there is a cat, too. Oh, look, there is a picture on the wall. There is a tree in the picture.





