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湘少版五年级上学期英语Unit1 Period1教案设计



编写教案有利于教师弄通教材内容,准确把握教材的重点与难点,进而选择科学、恰当的教学方法,更好地组织教学活动。下面是为大家收集的五年级上学期英语Unit1 Period1教案设计,供大家参考。

Teaching aims:

1.Learn the new words: tall, short, long hair, round face, young, old.

2. Master the following patterns: what does she look like? She is... She has...

Teaching main and difficult points:

1 the adjectives of general description.

2 describe people's looks.

Teaching steps:

Step1. Warming-up

Games: Robert Dance目的在于活跃气氛,调动学生的积极性,减少学生的紧张情绪。加之五官属于人的长相的范畴,所以与此课人物外貌相关连,这样引入就能自然过渡到本节课的内容。人物前活动用于扫除学生的语言障碍,因此在教学上以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,通过活动让学生感知、操练语言,为下一步活动做好铺垫。

Rulers: I say touch your eyes/ears/ nose/mouth/shoulder/legs/arm. you should do it .If you are wrong, you have to sit down. The person who does it correctly is the winner. after that we begin to study our lesson.

Step2. Presentation

T: Do you like Miss Yan?

Ss: Yes.

T: Why?

Ss: Because you are beautiful.

T: Thank you. Do you like her?(图片展示)

Ss: Yes.

T: OK, I know you think she is a beautiful girl, too. Today, we will learn Unit 1 What does she look like? ( 图片展示同时板书。)

Then teach the new words and new sentences pattern.

The teacher uses the pictures to lead and teach the new words and the new sentence pattern. And then ask the Ss to describe the classmates.


It’s the first day of new term. Lingling and Peter are talking about their new Chinese teacher. Now listen to the tape and then please tell me what does she look like. Which is their new Chinese teacher Picture A or B?

Listen again and read after the tape.

Role acting

Step3. Pair work

At first the teacher gives the Ss an example. Then ask Ss practice like this.

A: What does he look like?

B: He has short hair. He is tall. He has a round face.


Step4. Practice

Guessing game:

At first the teacher gives the Ss an example. Then ask Ss to describe anyone in the classroom. Let the others guess.


Free talk: talk about any person who you like.


Describe and draw

Ask Ss to describe “What do you look like when you are 20 years old and draw a picture of it.



Motto;Never judge a book by its covers.


Step5. Homework

1. Copy the sentences in grammar focus.

2. Describe your friend, your parent, your teacher or any other person, and then write it down in your exercise book


以上是精品学习网为大家准备的五年级上学期英语Unit1 Period1教案设计,希望对大家有所帮助。


小学外研社五年级英语上学期Module2 Unit2教案模板

五年级上学期英语《How many do you want》教案格式(外研社)

