
Lesson 1 May I use the telephone? 教案(二)



1. 语言目标:

1) 学会使用May I use …? 句型向别人借东西。

2) 学会使用礼貌用语,向别人 表示感谢的句型Thank you。 以及表示“ 不客气” 的句型。

2. 情感目标:




May I use your telephone? Who will you ring up? I want to …

2. 会说会用会写这些单词 may, use, want to, card, IP card,birthday.

3. 理解并且会用情态动词 may.

4.会说并且会用常见单词 certainly, really, must, forget.


教师准备a telephone,an ID card,use a telephone等图片。



1. 热身(Warming up)


A:Li Dong, what’s the matter with you ? What are you looking for?

B : I can’t find my colour pencils. So I can’t do my Art homework.

A: You can borrow one from Li Shan.

B : That’s a good idea. May I use your colour pencils?

C: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

C: Wow! What a beautiful picture! May I take a look at your picture?

B: Of course. Here you are.

C: Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.

2 . 新课展示(New Presentation)

(1) 听课文录音两遍,要求学生听完后,就所听内容回答问题:What does Li Dong want

to do ? Whose birthday is today ? Is Li Dong a nice boy ?

(2) 课文的第一部分;

­--May I come in ?

--Yes , please .

--Morning ,Miss Wu . May I use the telephone here ? I have an IP card .

内容比较简单,学生可通过跟读录音掌握这些句子,老师可提问学生这几句话的汉语意思 。

(3) 课文的第二部分

--Certainly , But who will you ring up ?

--My grandfather . He is in Shanghai now . Today is his birthday .

需向学生强调 ring up 的读音及用法。Birthday 一词可使用开火车方式巩固其读音。

3 .巩固练习

(1).操练 May I come in ? 一句。先请一位学生到门外敲门,问:May I come in ? 此时,

全班学生回答:Yes , please .也可全班学生没人两组拒绝:Sorry , please don’t .

(2)操练 May I use the telephone here ?一句。让学生用手边的学习用具等物,进行会话练习。例如:May I use the ruler/pencil/eraser/…?

(3).操练Bus who will you ring up ?一句。老师和学生用玩具电话演示,重点让学生掌握 ring up 的正确使用。I will ring up my mother/a friend /Tom…

(4).操练 He is in Shanghai now . Today is his birthday .两句。可让学生做扩展练习,注意学生在口语表达中的人称等容易出错的地方。

(5).做<课堂练习>书写部分第一题: Look , talk and write.