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【摘要】我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。精品学习网小学频道为此提供了六年级暑假作业英语能力测试题 ,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!


1、 alw s(总是;一直)

A、ay B、ey C、ur

2、 s lly(通常)

A、u, ur B、u, ua C、a, ua

3、 ly(早的)

A、ear B、aer C、eer

4、 w k (醒来)

A、e, a B、a, y C、a, e

5、 br kfast(早饭)

A、ae B、ea C、ir


1、John always at six.

2、I usually at 7:00.

3、I often do in the morning.

4、My mother is cooking in the .

5、There isn’t in the school.


( )1、It’s twelve. It’s time lunch

.A、to B、for C、at

( )2、 you usually have breakfast at seven?

A、Do B、Does C、Are

( )3、-----What do you have breakfast?


A、to B、at C、for

( )4、 is it? It’s one o’clock.

A、When time B、What time C、What’s time

( )5、The sunlight goes in John’s room.

A、on B、at C、to

( )6、Little John morning exercises every day.

A、do B、does C、doesn’t


1、It’s time for lunch.

2、Do you usually have breakfast at seven ?

3、I have no time to fly a kite.

4、 I have to walk to school.

5、He’s running to school.


In the morning, I get up at six. I wash my face and put on my clothes. Then I eat my breakfast with my family at six thirty. At six forty I go to school by bike, I am never late ,but Tom is sometimes late and Mary is always late , They often run to school.


( )1、I have breakfast at six.

( )2、Sometimes I am late for school.

( )3、Tom is never late for school.

( )4、Mary always comes to school after class begins.


1、 When do I get up in the morning? ( )

A、At six. B、At six thirty.

C、At six forty. D、At seven o’clock.

2、 Does Mary always go to school with me? ( )

A、Yes, she does. B、Yes, she is.

C、No, she doesn’t. D、No, she isn’t.

3、How do Tom and Mary come to school ? ( )

A、By bike. B、By bus.

C、By car . D、On foot.

4、I’m late for school but Tom’s late for school. ( )

A、never, sometimes B、never, always

C、sometimes, always D、sometimes, never

只要大家多听、多看、多听和多练,英语成绩很快就能提高。希望我们提供的六年级暑假作业英语能力测试题 ,对大家有所帮助!



