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( )1.当你向别人问路的时候,你可以说:


A: Sorry B: How are you? C: Excuse me

( )2.当你询问图书馆在哪里时,应该这样问:


A: Where is the bookstore? B: Where is the library? C: Where is the museum?

( )3.科学博物馆在邮局的附近。应该这样说:


A: The post office is behind the science museum

B: The science museum is near the post office

C: The science museum is in front of the post office

( ) 4. ---- Where is the school ?---- ______________ .

A . It’s my school . B . My school is big . C . It’s next the shop .

( ) 5. She wants to buy ___________ shoes .

A . a B . a pair of C . a pairs of

( ) 6.Get off _______ the cinema .

A . at B . on C . in

( ) 7. Walk straight _________ ten minutes to cinema .

A . to B . at C . for

( ) 8. My friend is reading a book _______ my left .

A . on B .at C. in

( )9. Excuse me .Where is the hospital ?It’s east _______the cinema.

A .on B. at C. on

( )10. Turn right at the cinema. It’s ______ the left.

A. in B. at C. on


