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一 单词辨音。请选出一个发音不同于其它三个的选项。

1 (    )A cold   B dog   C hot  D not

2  (    )  A food  B balloon C look D room

3  (    )  A walk  B fall   C ball   D wake

4  (    )  A cent   B enjoy   C mess D every

5  (    )  A lunch  B chalk  C Chemistry D March

6  (    )  A ride   B milk   C smile   D nice

7  (    )  A read  B bread  C meat   D tea

8  (    )  A map  B have   Csame   D cap

9  (    )  A says  B play   C day   D today

10 (    )  A left   B letter   C  be   D mess

二 词型变化

1. buy( 过去式)     2.swim( 现在分词)     3.children(单数)     4.hour (同音词)   5.fly(过去式)  6.noisy(名词)      7.am/is(过去式)     8.son(同音词)  9.we (宾格)      10.America(形容词)

三  英汉互译

1.middle school    2.make a mistake   3.all over the world        4.ride a bike         5.fly away            6.举行野餐

7.小心              8.棒球帽              9.说汉语


四 选择填空。

1 It’s easy (   ) make mistakes with English .  A for  B in  C  to

2 Lots of children(   ) English now.

A  learn  B are learning  C learning

3 They are playing football, (   ) it’s raining. A But  B And  C Or

4  He’s going to go to school(   ) bus..   A  by  B in   C on

5 Yang Liwei went in a spaceship(  ) made a video..

A so  B and   C but

6 We are going to  (   )  Geography.

A  studied   Bstudy    C  to study

7 (   ) the matter?

A Who’s  BWhat’s  C Where’s

8 My parents often tell me(   ) your family..

A  for   Babout  C  from

9 (   ) was he born?He was born in China

A Where   B When  C  What

10 There is a letter(   ) you。A  for   Bwith  C  to


