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一. 英汉互译:

1. 历史博物馆              6.most of the time__________

2. 去慢跑                  7. surf the Internet ____________

3. 乘五路                8.sounds great ___________

4. 写信                    9. go on an outing ___________

5. 多做运动           _    10.with best wishes___________

二. 用所给词的适当形式填空:

1.We can ______ (make) snowmen in winter.

2. Li Ming ______(read) newspapers yesterday morning.

3. Jim, show us how _____ ( go) there.

4. Peter likes _______ (draw) pictures .And he _______ (draw) well.

5. Jim speaks _______ (France).

6.When _____ you _____( go) to school this morning?

7. The children __________ (play) basketball at 4:30 this afternoon.

8. Do you jump ________(far) than your classmates?

三. 选择题:

(    )1. She is very glad _______ her friend.  A. see  B. to see   C. meet

(    )2. Su Yang is ___ older than me.

A. two year’s    B. two years    C. two year

(    )3. ---Would you like to come with me?  --- Yes, __________.

A. I’d like        B. I’d love to.      C. I like

(    )4.  Mike       than all the other boys in his class.

A. sing better      B. sings better       C. sings well

(    )5. ____ the boy jump ____ than the girl?

A. Do, higher   B. Does, higher     C. Is, higher

(    )6. Helen swims as _____ as David. A. slower  B. slow     C. lower

(    )7. You and I like listening to music. We _____ have the same ______.

A. are , hobby      B. both, hobby      C. both, hobbies

(    )8. I’ll ___ him ____ my school . A. tell, about B. say, about C. tell, to

(    )9. The man ____ black is his uncle.   A. in    B. on   C.  at (    )10. Please don’t _____ late again.   A. am     B. are     C. be

四. 改错:

(    ) 1. Helen  is  doing  well  in  PE  than  Nancy. ________

A         B      C            D

(    ) 2. I  usually go rowing and  fish .       ________

A     B    C       D

(    ) 3. How many white cow did you see  just now?  _______

A        B    C            D

(    )4.What are his hobby? He likes dancing and singing. _______

A      B       C         D

(    )5. I  want to do your  penfriend.              ________

A     B  C       D

五. 连词成句:

1. to,  train , I, get, how, the, can , station  (?)


2. my, I , e-mail , can, her, address , give (?)


3. needs, for, some, dad, warm, clothes, winter, , your,  (.)


4. swimming, he, and, likes, baseball, playing (.)


5. picnic, we , have, afternoon, shall, tomorrow , a (?)



(   )1、Who’s taller than David?     A. I want to draw a picture..

(   )2、Are monkeys as heavy as elephants? B. I’m hungry.

(   )3、Where’s the bus stop?           C. Gao Shan is.

(   )4、What’s the matter?          D. No, they aren’t.

(   )5、What for?                E Take bus No.5

(    ) 6、Why do you come back late?  F.Thank you.

(    ) 7、Whose wallets are they?    G. Good idea!

(   )8、Did you have any stamps?  H.Because I played football.

(   )9、Let’s go swimming today.   I. They’re theirs.

(    )10、Your dress is very beautiful.   J. No, I didn’t.


