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(    ) 15、当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:________

A、How long are you ?    B、How tall are you ?  C、How large are you ?

(  )16、We’re  going  to ---------Chinese.

A. speaking B. speak C. speaks  D.  making

(   )17、 A  dog _______  under  that  tree.

A.  sleeping  B, is  sleeping  C, sleep

(   ) 18、 I  want _______ some  tea ,please .

A. to  drink   B. drink   C. drinking

(   ) 19、As a baby, Helen couldn’t see       hear.

A. and  B. or   C. but

(   ) 20、How  much  is  it ?    It is ______.

A, thirteen   dollar   and   one    cents.

B. thirteen   dollars   and   one    cents.

C. thirteen   dollars   and   one   cent.


1.What do you want____________(eat)?

2.It’s 4:00 now. Let’s____________(go)home.

3.We______________________(buy) some delicious food tomorrow. What about you?

4.Look!The birds____________(sing) in the tree.

5.They are too heavy. I can’t___________(carry)them all.

6.My mother_________(give)me a storybook on my birthday last year.

7.He saw his father in space and he _____(be)very proud of him.

8、I_____________(eat) an ice cream last night.

9.They __________(come)to the airport to meet their friend, Tom next Monday.

10.He sometimes_________(read) a  book about famous people.


A.Hi          B.  It’s twenty yuan.      C. A cola, please.

D.Thank you.   E. Yes, we have.

Cashier: Hello. Can I help you?

Tom: __________. Have you got a hot dog?

Cashier: __________.

Tom: Good. A hot dog, please.

Cashier: What do you want to drink?

Tom: __________.  How much is it?.

Cashier: __________.

Tom: Here you are.

Cashier: __________.Enjoy your meal!


(   ) 1. Does she teach maths?                   A. I am 160 cm tall.

(   ) 2. How tall are you?                      B. I feel tired.

(   ) 3. How do you feel?                      C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.

(   ) 4. What did you do last weekend?           D. Yes, she does.

(   ) 5. When is your birthday?                  E. I visited my grandpa.

(   ) 6. What day is it today?                    F. It's Wednesday.

