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July 20th , 1969 was an exciting day. Two Americans got to the moon . They were the first men on the moon .Their names were Armstrong and Aldrin . They went to the moon by

spaceship . The name of the spaceship was Apollo2. Apollo 2 left the earth on July 16th . It took three days to get to the moon . There is no air , water , plants or animals on the moon .

In China , there are three famous astronauts(航天员). They are Yang Liwei ,Fei Junlong,and Nie Haisheng . On October 15th , 2003 . Yang Liwei went into the space by spaceship . He was the first Chinese man to fly in the space . On October 12th , 2005 two Chinese Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng went into the space by spaceship . They stayed in the space longer than Yang Liwei . They stayed in the space for nine days . Yang Liwei , Fei Junlong,and Nie Haisheng become the heroes of the Chinese people .

(    )1. On ___________ , That was the first time the human(人类)got to the moon .

A . October 15th , 2003        B. October 12th , 2005         C. July 20th , 1969(    )2.There         air and water on the moon .

A .aren’t           B. isn’t         C. don’t

(    )3. Fei Junlong,and Nie Haisheng stayed in the space ___________ than Yang Liwei.

A .shorter            B. longer         C. earlier

(    )4. Apollo 2 took _________ to get to the moon .

A .three days  .        B. nine days.        C. four days  .

(    )5. Armstrong and Aldrin were            .

A .Chineses          B. Russians        C. Americans

(    )6.            was the first Chinese man to fly in the space.

A. Yang Liwei         B. Nie Haisheng    C. Fei Junlong

(    )7. Fei Junlong,and Nie Haisheng flew in the space _________ than Yang Liwei.

A .earlier             B. later           C. faster

(    )8.The astronauts(航天员) fly to the moon by           .

A .plane             B.car          C. spaceship


have      hope




1. Shall we go to circus in Chnanglong ?

2.Com to tea when you are free .

3.Guangshou is a crowded city .

4. Mr .Chen painted walls white yesterday .

5.Zhang Xiaoling usually takes a bus to school .


1. May I borrow your pen ?

2. Which is the Chinese Festival ?

3. What did your mother do last night ?

4. How does your father go to work ?

5. Did Sall get to school early this morning ?

6. Why don’t you go swimming with me ?

7. What day is it today ?

8. Was it a sunny day yesterday ?

