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(   ) 2.I       a big nose. He      a big nose.

A. has, have  B. have, has  C. have, have  D. has, has

(   ) 3.There is    apple on the table and there is     pear under the table.

A. a, an  B. the, a  C. an, a  D. the, thew

(   ) 4.----How many apples are there on the tree?  ------ “There are      ”

A. one apples  B. two apple  C. one apple  D. four apples

(   ) 5. ----What’s this and what are these?   -----

A. It’s a pen and they are apples.  B. It’s a pen and it’s an apple

C. They’re apples and it’s a pen. D. They’re apples and they’re pens

(   )6.-----Can you sweep the floor?       ------“             .”

A. Yes, I can.  B. No, I am not.  C. Yes, I can’t.  D. No, I don’t.

(   )7.---What do you do_______ Sundays?

A. in  B. under  C. on  D. behind

(   )8.----“Are there any fish in the river?”       ----“                .”

A.Yes, they are.  B. Yes, it is. C. No, there aren’t.  D. No, they aren’t.

(   )9. Where’s New York? It’s in______.

A.Australia   B.Japan   C.England  D.America

(   )10.______ comes after Wednesday.

A.Monday   B. Thursday   C.Tuesday  D.Friday

(   )11. 下列字母小写占三格的是

A.  B C D   B.  G F J    C.  K L Y     D.  F J

(   )12.What’s your favorite city? _______.

A.China   B.Yunnan   C.Kunming  D.Taishan Mountain

(   )13. I’m ______ than Sarah.

A. tall   B. taller   C. the taller.   D. tallest

(   )14. ______ your music teacher?

A.Who   B.Whose   C.Who’s  D.Whos’

(   )15.Let’s _____ a cup of tea.

A.to drink   B.drink   C.drinks  D.drinking

(   )16.______ are you going?  I’m going to the library.

A.Who   B.Which   C.What  D.Where

(   )17. Where did you buy that? I ______ it in Shanghai.

A. buy   B. bought   C. buys   D. buying

(   )18.当你想对别人说圣诞祝福的话时,说:

A. Merry Christmas!   B. Happy Christmas!   C. Many thanks!

(   )19. .-- ____________?     --It’s April 29th.

A. What day is it today?  B. What’s the date today? C. Happy birthday.

(   )20. ---How long are your legs? ---_________

A. 72kg.    B. I wear size 20   C. 76cm.


1. do,  Sundays,  on,  do,  what,  you


2. Chinese,  who,  is,  teacher,  your


3. there,  many,  fish,  are,  river,  in,  the


4. cook,  I,  can,  meals,  the


5. friends, sang, I , with, and, new, my, danced

