您当前所在位置:首页 > 小学 > 六年级 > 英语 > 六年级英语暑假作业





(     )1.Where is the shopping centre?            A.No,they aren’t.

(     )2.What are you going to do tomorrow?      B.Forty.

(     )3.Are bears bigger than elephants?         C.It’s cool and sunny.

(     )4.Whose wallet is it?                     D.I still feel ill.

(     )5.What’s the weather like in autumn?        E.It’s near the school.

(     )6.How do you feel now?                  F.Go on an outing.

(     )7.Which season do you like best?            G..Saturday.

(     )8. What day is it today?                   H.It’s my grandfather’s.

(     )9.Did you dance last Children’s Day?        I.Yes,I did.

(     )10.What’s ninety minus fifty?              J.Summer.


Do your friend live near each other.               (     )__________

A       B   C        D

Where did you last weekend ? I was at a camp.       (     )______

A           B     C  D

Do you thirsty?  Yes, I am.                      (     )__________

A     B      C    D

There are five peoples in my family?               (     )__________

A       B   C     D

Would you like to  go  join her?.                 (     )__________

A      B      C   D


Ben: W_______ Mike? I can’t find him.

Tom: He w ________ in the r _______ room  a  m _________  a _______ .

Ben: But he is n _____ there now. T________ Day is coming soon. I want to buy a card for Miss       Li with him.

Tom: Why don’t you m _________ a card?

Ben: I don’t know h______ to do it.

Tom: I can h ________  you.

Ben: That’s great! Thank you!

Tom: Not at all.

