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(   ) 4.Where does the ____come from ? It comes from the clouds.

A. rain          B. sun           C. cloud

(   ) 5.What _____ she like to do?

A. do            B. does            C. is

(   ) 6.Amy is a teacher, she _____ English.

A. teach          B. teaches          C. teacher

(   ) 7.  Yesterday Liu Yun____ a mountain with her parents.

A.climbed  B. climb  C. climbing

(   ) 8. Mike is 13 years old. I’m 12 years old. So I’m ____than him.

A. heavier  B.  thinner  C. younger

(   ) 9. I’m          than you.

A. strong     B. tall       C. stronger

(  ) 10. Your ruler is 10 _______.

A.mm       B. cm        C. M

(   ) 11.---Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him.

---How tall is Ted?

A. 150cm           B. 160cm         C. 170cm

(   ) 12、My throat __________ sore, my nose __________.

A. is, hurt    B. are, hurts   C. is  hurts

(   ) 13.----_______did you go on your holiday?


A. What           B. Where         C. How

(   )14. We _______ books last night.

A. read     B. reads    C .  readed

(   ) 15、Did you went swimming last weekend?

A. Yes ,I didn’t    B.  No ,I didn’t   C . No ,I did

(   ) 16、I like drawing pictures and she____________.

A. like singing   B. like to sing  C. likes singing

(   ) 17、--I usually get up ______ 7:00 o’clock in the morning.

A .at  B. on  C. of

(   ) 18、-- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Garden Cinema?

-- Let me see. You can ______ bus No. 5.

A .  by   B. take   C. go

(   ) 19、-_____ you watch TV last night?

-Yes, I watched TV.

A. Did   B. Do   C. Does

(   ) 20、-What’s the_________ you, Mike ? -I have a cold.

A. matter  on   B. match  with   C. matter with

四. 连词成句10分

1. I’m,than,and,shorter,thinner,you

2.playing ,He,the,likes,violin

3. a computer,There, in, my, is, room

4. went,I,hiking,yesterday

5.You;  today;  so;  look; sad

