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P37 B C C B B B D B C D T F T F T P38 T F T F T C A C D A B A A B C

P39 ow, reat, ent, ime, isit, aw, layed, wimed C C A B A B A A C P40 keep, waste, cut down, hunt, clear, make, shouldn’t, should, save,


He is a homely lion.

He does not hunt for his food.

He dreams about running in the forest.

P41 Were was, wrote, visiting, Did did, is singing and dancing, does,


We should 2 3 6 7 We shouldn’t 1 4 5 8

P42 There is restaurant on the main street. On the left of the restaurant

is a clothes. On the right of it is a grocery shop. Because the lion at the zoo is not like a real lion.

var cpro_psid ="u2572954"; var cpro_pswidth =966; var cpro_psheight =120;


第 4 页 共 5 页

Because he is lonely. Because he doesn’t roar. P43 B C C A

P44 C A B C A C B C A B

P45 New Year’s Day, the Spring Festival, Tree Planting Day,

April Fool’s Day, Labor Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, Father’s Day, Army Day, Teachers’ Day, National Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas

Disneyland, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, CN Tower, the Niagara Falls, Sydney Opera House, Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), the White House(白宫), the Great pyramid(大金字塔), Taj Mahal(泰姬陵) B A D F C P46 c f b e d a

A monkey.

He want to go back to the forest. Please don’t eat him.

