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Module 1

1. ---What’s your favourite colour?

---My favourite colour is yellow.


2. ---What’s your favourite song?

---It’s the ABC song.

3. ---Here you are.

---Thank you.

Module 2

1. ---What’s this?

---It’s a tiger.

animal动物:(monkey、lion、panda、an elephant、cat、dog)

2. ---What are they?

---They’re tigers.   (monkeys、lions、pandas、elephants)

3.That man is short.   (tall、short、big、small、fat、thin)

Module 3

1.I like football.         sport运动:(morning exercises、table tennis、basketball)

I don’t like football.    sport运动:(swimming、skipping、riding my bike)

Module 4

1. ---Do you like meat?

---Yes,I do.

---No,I don’t.



2. ---Does Sam like pears?    ---Does Amy like pears?

---Yes,he does.             ---Yes,she does.

---No,he doesn’t.           ---No,she doesn’t.



3. ---Pass me the rice,please!

---Here you are.

Module 5

1. ---Do you play football on Mondays?    (Saturdays、Sundays)

---Yes,I do.

---No,I don’t.

2. ---Does Tom go to school on Mondays?

---Yes,he does.

---No,he doesn’t.

3. ---Is Sam at home?       ---Is Amy at home?    (at school)

---Yes,he is.             ---Yes,she is.

---No,he isn’t.            ---No,she isn’t.

4. ---Does your mum go to work on Saturdays?

---Yes,she does.

---No,she doesn’t.

5. ---Does your dad go to work on Saturdays?

---Yes,he does.

---No,he doesn’t.

6.She goes to school on Mondays.

Tom doesn’t go to school on Mondays.

She goes shopping on Saturdays.

He plays table tennis on Sundays.

(go to school、go to work、go shopping)

Module 6

1. ---What do you do in the morning?    (afternoon)

---I go swimming.

sport运动:(play football、play basketball、play table tennis、go to school、

go to work、go shopping、go swimming、go skating、go fishing、

ride my bike、watchTV、fly kites、sleep、walk)

2. ---What do you have at school today?

---I have Chinese.


3. ---What does Lingling have?      ---What does Sam have?

---She has Science.              ---He has Science.

Module 7

1. spring  百花香,warm暖洋洋; It’s warm in spring.

summer有骄阳,hot   汗流淌; It’s hot in summer.

autumn 树叶黄,cool  好凉爽; It’s cool in autumn.

winter  雪飞扬,cold  手冻僵。 It’s cold in winter.

We fly kites in spring.  We go skating in winter. 在哪一个季节要用in.

2.  天气晴朗是sunny,   It’s hot and sunny today.

小雨娃娃是raining,  It’s raining today.

大风呼呼是windy,   It’s cool and windy today.

雪花飘飘snowing。   It’s snowing today.

Module 8

1. ---Where is the apple?

---It’s on the desk. / It isn’t on the desk.  (on、under、in、behind) 卧室:bedroom

2. ---Happy birthday to you!

---Thank you!

3. He flies a kite in the park.

He swims in the lake.

He goes fishing under the tree.

He walks in the snow.

Module 9

1. I have got a bike.   He has got a bike.   She has got a bike.  有(I have=I’ve)

I haven’t got a bike.  He hasn’t got a bike.  She hasn’t got a bike. 没有


2. ---Have you got a sweater?

---Yes,I have.

---No,I haven’t.

3. ---Has Amy got a bike?     ---Has Sam got a bike?

---Yes,she has.            ---Yes,he has.

---No,she hasn’t.           ---No,he hasn’t.

4. He goes to work by car.  (by bus、by bike、by car)

She walks to school.     She walks to work.     walk:步行

Module 10

1.Here’s a red hat.    Here’s an orange hat.    (here is=here’s)



2.He’s got a green sweater.   She’s got an orange sweater.

(he has=he’s)               (she has=she’s)

3. ---Has she got a white skirt?      ---Has he got a brown trousers?

---Yes,she has.                 ---Yes,he has.

---No,she hasn’t.               ---No,he hasn’t.


1.Do you---Yes,I do./No,I don’t.

2.Does 男的---Yes,he does./No,he doesn’t.

3.Does 女的---Yes,she does./No,she doesn’t.

4.Have you---Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.

5.Has 男的---Yes,he has./No,he hasn’t.

6.Has 女的---Yes,she has./No,she hasn’t.

7.Is 男的---Yes,he is./No,he isn’t.

8.Is 女的---Yes,she is./No,she isn’t.

9.Is 动物---Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.


1. ---Here you are.        2. ---What are they?      3. ---What’s this?

---Thank you.            ---They’re tigers.         ---It’s a lion.

4. ---Pass me the fish.     5. ---What do you do?     6. ---What do you have ?

---Here you are.          ---I go swimming.        ---I have Chinese.



monkey         tiger          like          lion           pear           favourite


1.She goes to school on Mondays.

2.He goes to work by car.



小学三年级下册英语期末知识点:Unit 5

2015三年级英语下册期末知识点:Unit 4

