family roles
三一口语10级考官高频问题:1. Are young people generally more selfish than their parents and grandparents?
2. Should adults try to teach young people lessons, such as the dangers of drinking too much,
taking drugs or contracting the HIV virus, or should they leave them alone to find out about
these things themselves?
3. What do you think is the best age to be? Explain your opinion.
4. Most countries give young people rights as they reach a certain age. For example, British people
can legally make love or fight for their country at the age of 16; they can drink, vote and drive
a car when they are 18. Does your country have similar laws? Do you think that any of the age
limits need changing?
5. Should young people have to do some form of military or community service by law?
6. Should people of between 60 and 65 be obliged to retire from their jobs in order to make way for
younger workers?
7. Are there many things that the old can teach the young or are they hopelessly out of touch by the
time they reach a certain age?
8. In most countries, compulsory education is targeted at 5 - 16 year olds. Would it be better to offer
it to pensioners who want to learn rather than young people who prefer not to be in school?
9. In Russia, China and many other countries, there is a tradition of choosing leaders who are advanced
in years. Do you think that older people make better leaders?
10. Many elderly people have disabilities which limit their mobility. Do buses, shops and public buildings
in your country provide easy access for the disabled or are your towns and cities designed mainly for
the young and able-bodied?
11. Should the elderly be expected to pay for residential care out of their own savings or should appropriate
accommodation and nursing be provided by the tax payer?
1. Are you for or against trial marriages i.e. living together outside marriage to test your compatibility?
2. Do you think that marriage should be for life? Should divorce be made easier or more difficult?
3. Why do you think that the divorce rate has become so high in Britain and many other countries?
4. Is it better to marry someone of the same educational, social, cultural and racial background?
5. Is it better to marry someone of approximately the same age? Should the man be older than the woman?
6. How important is the religious aspect of marriage to you? Which aspects are more important, if any?
7. Should it be legal to marry more than one partner at the same time?8. Should it be legal to marry someone of the same sex? Should marriages between gay and lesbian partners be recognised by the church?