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精选小学英语六年级听力练习材料 Listen and judge



摘要:精选小学英语六年级听力练习材料 Listen and judge是精品学习网精心为大家准备的,希望大家能够多加练习,为以后学好英语打下坚实的基础!

精选小学英语六年级听力练习材料 Listen and judge

一、Listen and judge:你将听到一个句子或一组对话,请根据所听到的内容, 判断图片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相应的括号内打"√" , 不相符的打"×"。(每小题将连续读两遍。听每小题之前,你有4秒钟的时间阅读题目,每一小题听完后,你有4秒钟的答题时间。)

1.Zhang Peng usually gets up at 7:00.

2. The boys have English class today.

3. Amy often visits her grandparents on the weekend.

4. Chen Jie often goes hiking with her parents on the weekend.

5. The weather report says it's sunny tomorrow.

6. M: When do you play sports, Chen Jie? W: I play sports at 4:30 after class.

7. W:What do you do on Mondays, John? M: I often play the piano.

8. M: Do you often visit your grandparents on the weekend? W: Yes, I do.

9. I don't often climb mountains, but I often climb trees.

10. We don't have music class today. We don't have music and art class today, either.

结尾:这篇精品学习网为大家精选小学英语六年级听力练习材料 Listen and judge,快跟着我一起练习吧!



