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【摘要】小学英语证书在一定程度上能够体现学生的英语水平,它需要小学生具备一定的听说能力。为了帮助大家轻松应对小学英语考证,精品学习网精心为大家准备了一星级口试讲义 ,希望大家能够有所借鉴!



3 继续模仿练习


. the windows—clean the windows—My mum is cleaning the windows—My mum is cleaning the windows in the morning.

a rabbit—a small rabbit—A small rabbit is smiling—A small rabbit is smiling under a mushroom.

a tree—a big tree—There is a big tree—There is a big tree under the heavy rain.

the sun—the smiling sun—The smiling sun is rising—The smiling sun is rising over the sea.

a cat—a lovely cat—A lovely cat is eating—A lovely cat is eating a piece of cheese.

a dog—a brown dog—A brown dog is sleeping—A brown dog is sleeping on the floor.

a man—an old man—An old man is smoking—An old man is smoking happily.

a ball—a ball on the right—The ball on the right is bigger—The ball on the right is bigger than the other one.

fruit—some fruits—There are some fruits in the bowl—There are some fruits in the bowl in front of the jar.

a girl—a girl and two boys—The girl and two boys are playing—The girl and two boys are playing on the playground hand in hand.

the children—the children and parents—The children and parents are having dinner—The children and parents are having dinner together on the dinning table.

a boy—a smart boy—The smart boy is painting—The smart boy is painting a beautiful picture on the canvas.

a cup—a cup of tea—A cup of tea is on the table—A cup of tea is on the left hand side of the table.

a bed—a nice bed—The nice bed is beside the wall—The nice bed is beside the wall in the bedroom.

a plane—a big plane—The big plane is flying—The big plane is flying fast in the blue sky.

animals—a lot of animals—There are a lot of animals—There are a lot of animals in a big wild zoo.

plants—a lot of plants—There are a lot of plants—There are a lot of plants in the park.

a ship—a big ship—The big ship moves—The big ship moves slowly in the Huangpu river.

an apple—a big apple—The big apple is on the table—The big apple is on the right side of the table.

通过上述的一星级口试讲义 ,大家一定会有所收获,希望大家认真复习,学好英语不仅能够轻松考取证书,而且也为将来的英语学习打下坚实的基础!






