


Let’s talk

Language focus:

1. Using formulaic expressions to wish others a happy birthday.Eg. Happy birthday, Sam.

2. Using nouns to indicate food and drinks. Eg. Cake, cake.

Speaking: Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.

Materials: 1. Wallcharts 1B

2. Photos of a student’s birthday party.

3. Some food and presents.

Teaching ladders:

Ⅰ. Warming up

1. Greeting2. Train!

Take your present Open your present Say “thank you”

Ⅱ. Pre-task preparation

Show photos of a student’s birthday party.

T:Look, XX is happy because it is his birthday. Your birthday is the day you were born. Birthday come only noce a year. My birthday is in (month). When is your birthday? (Ask several students to answer.)T:birthday Follow me!

Ⅲ、 While-task procedure

1. Put up the wallchrt. (for 30 senconds) Take it dowm

T:What do you see? (apple orange, present)

2. T:(Put the wallchact up)

Sam has many present. They have many food.

3. Introduce the items “cake” “ice-cream” “jelly” “sweet” “milk” and “coke” orally only in this lesson. To in troduce “ice-cream” you can ask what other sweet things you can eat at birthdays.

4. T:(Point to the words) Happy birthday Sam.

5. T:Llisten to the tape.

Ⅳ、 Post-task activities

1. Bring some food and presents to class and put them on a table.

Ask some students to sit at the table.

2. Point to one of the students sitting at the table.

T:Today is Sam’s birthday. What should we say to him them?

Ⅴ、 Consolidation. Workbook P22

Let’s learn Language focus: Using nonns to identify food and drirfer.

eg. Cake, milk

Listening: Locate specific information inresponse to simple instructions

Speaking: Open an interacting by elicting a response

Pronounce word properly

Materials: Picture Cards 1B

Teaching ladders:

Ⅰ、Warming up

1. Greeting 2. Train:

Take your predent Open your present. Say “thank you”

Ⅱ、 Pre-task preparation

1. Revise the food and drink names

T:cake, sweet ice-cream yeally milk coke

2. Play a game.

What is he eating? One mire eating food. The ters guess

The first one to guess correctly gok to come up and mire

3. T:Do you like cakes? Sweets? Ice-cream? Jelly? Mike? Coke?

Ⅲ、 While-task procedure

1. T:Let’s stick the pictures.

Eg: T:coke.

The students select one the pione the stick on the blackboard.

2. T:Listen to the tape

Listen & Read.

Ⅳ、 Post-task activity

Find the friends. (The words & the rctres)

Ⅴ、 Consolidation. Let’s play

Language focus: Using the werb “like” to indicate preperences

Eg. I like cakes

Speaking: Maintain an intcraction by providing information

Matesials: Word and picture cards 1B

Teaching ladders:

Ⅰ. Warming up

1. Greeting

2. Train Take your poesirt Open your present. Say “thank you”

Ⅱ. Pre-task preparation

1. Put uo the cards

T:Read it one by one

Cake, ice-cream, jelly Sweet, milk

2. Hold up an apple, smff it mb it, look at is, lick your lips

T:I like apples. Yummy yvmmy

T:Do you like apples?

S:I like apple (Dick hap)

Ⅲ、 While-task procedure

1. Put all the fond and drink picture eards on yours desk.

T:I like ……

(Enconage student to follow)

2. Repew step1 with the other items.

3. Stick the paper cut-out of may on the board.

T:Hello, I am may. I like …… cake.

4. Continuw telling the story by using other paper cut-outs of characters and food item.

Eg may cake Sam ice-cream Jelly sweets

5. Turn to page 15 T:Listen to the tape

6. T:Who can tell the story.

Ⅳ、 Post-task activities

1. In group of five, students practise aetiang out the story.

S:I like cakes. S:I like ice-cream. S:I like jelly S:I like sweets S Look at kitty

T:I like milk.

2. Select group to act heir rele-plays to the class

Let’s enjoy Language focus: Using formulaic expressions to wish others a happy birthday.

Eg. Happy birthday, sam.

Listening: Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress

Speaking: Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners

Materials: Wallchart 1B

Teaching ladders:

Ⅰ. Warming up

1. Greeting

2. Train I like the present. I like the cake. I like the jelly.

Ⅱ. Pre-task preparation

1. Put up the wallchart.

T:Do you remember what to say to Sam on his birthday?

T & S:Happy birthday, Sam.

2. T:It’s not enongh just to say it.

We must sing the birthday song as well.

Ⅲ. While-task procedure

1. T:Open the books to Page 36. Listen to the song

2. Play the cassatte again.

Then sing the song for the class with some aotions.

3. Do group work.

Ⅳ. Post-task activities

1. Very the song to “Happy New Year”

Happy New Year to you. Happy New Year to you.

Happy New Year, Dear Sam. Happy New Year to you

2. Have the while class sing together.
